Grantee Research Project Results
Low-Cost, Environmentally Benign, Non-Chromated Corrosive Resistant Coatings
EPA Contract Number: 68D60043Title: Low-Cost, Environmentally Benign, Non-Chromated Corrosive Resistant Coatings
Investigators: Zheng, Haixing
Small Business: Chemat Technology Inc.
EPA Contact: Richards, April
Phase: I
Project Period: September 1, 1996 through March 1, 1997
Project Amount: $70,000
RFA: Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) - Phase I (1996) RFA Text | Recipients Lists
Research Category: SBIR - Pollution Prevention , Nanotechnology , Pollution Prevention/Sustainable Development , Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR)
Chromate conversion coating is widely used in industries to protect light metals (e.g., aluminum alloys) from corrosion. However, hexavalent chromium involved in the process is considered to be carcinogenic. The development of non-chromate environmentally-benign conversion coatings is mandated. Currently there is not any satisfactory process available except the non-chromate sealed anodized coating which is unfortunately costly. In this proposed work, Chemat Technology, Inc. plans to use their proprietary non-anodizing process which can produce the coating with similar properties to that of the anodizing coatings and combine with sealant to make high performance non-chromate conversion coatings via either dip-coating or spray coating. The derived coating will be characterized in term of corrosion resistance and adhesion. The process will be demonstrated and validated.
Publications and Presentations:
Publications have been submitted on this project: View all 1 publications for this projectSupplemental Keywords:
small business, SBIR, engineering, chemistry, pollution prevention, hazardous waste., RFA, Scientific Discipline, Toxics, Waste, Sustainable Industry/Business, hexavalent chromium, hexavalent chromium waste, Chemical Engineering, cleaner production/pollution prevention, Environmental Chemistry, Chemistry, 33/50, Environmental Engineering, automotive supply chain, non-anodizing process, chromium & chromium compounds, cleaner production, waste minimization, waste reduction, green design, chromate, environmentally benign coating, Chromium, clean technology, conversion coating, chromate substitution, alternative materials, hazardous waste, engineering, process modification, industrial innovations, pollution prevention, coatings, green technologyProgress and Final Reports:
SBIR Phase II:
Low-Cost, Environmentally Benign, Non-Chromated Corrosive Resistant CoatingsThe perspectives, information and conclusions conveyed in research project abstracts, progress reports, final reports, journal abstracts and journal publications convey the viewpoints of the principal investigator and may not represent the views and policies of ORD and EPA. Conclusions drawn by the principal investigators have not been reviewed by the Agency.