Grantee Research Project Results
Community-enabled Lifecycle Analysis of Stormwater Infrastructure Costs (CLASIC)
EPA Grant Number: R836173Title: Community-enabled Lifecycle Analysis of Stormwater Infrastructure Costs (CLASIC)
Investigators: Zhang, Harry , Sharvelle, Sybil , Throwe, Joanne M , Pomeroy, Christine , Buzzard, Angela
Institution: Water Research Foundation , Colorado State University , University of Maryland - College Park , University of Utah , Wichita State University
EPA Project Officer: Packard, Benjamin H
Project Period: April 1, 2016 through March 31, 2020 (Extended to March 31, 2021)
Project Amount: $1,949,785
RFA: National Priorities: Life Cycle Costs of Water Infrastructure Alternatives (2015) RFA Text | Recipients Lists
Research Category: Water Quality , Water , Water Treatment
The goal of the CLASIC Platform is to develop a transparent, robust, peer-reviewed, end-user informed and accessible Life Cycle Cost (LCC) / Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) framework model for stormwater infrastructure alternatives that can accommodate regional and scale variations to support integrated planning. This will be accomplished through five integrated objectives:
- LCC/LCA Framework Model Development to develop an integrated, standardized approach.
- Data Collection of existing data sources on construction, operations, maintenance and replacement costs of grey and green infrastructure solutions based on protocols and structure developed under the LCC/LCA Model.
- Data Analysis and Standardization to analyze, standardize and compile the data collected in a relational database with structure consistent with the LCC/LCA Model that can be used to support tool development.
- Decision Support Tools that are publically available in an enduring and enabling platform for use by the urban water community that works easily at scale, fosters innovation and promotes collaboration.
- Community Engagement to ensure all products developed are scientifically sound, accurately reflect community needs and are supported and implemented by end users.
Expected Results:
Results will be increased confidence in comparisons of both the costs and benefits of stormwater infrastructure alternatives using tools based on both strong data sets of cost, design and performance data and a transparent, peer-reviewed LCC/LCA model. This will enable communities to analyze risk tolerance for stormwater services with associated costs. The outputs will include a LCC/LCA Framework Model, a literature and tool review, data standardization protocols, compiled stormwater infrastructure costs, a Technical Stormwater Costs memorandum, a relational database of stormwater infrastructure costs, publically accessible LCC/LCA tools and databases. This will be documented in a Stormwater Infrastructure Guide for Decision Makers that will include 10 case studies.
Publications and Presentations:
Publications have been submitted on this project: View all 27 publications for this projectJournal Articles:
Journal Articles have been submitted on this project: View all 1 journal articles for this projectSupplemental Keywords:
Triple Bottom Line, Green Infrastructure, Grey Infrastructure, Gray Infrastructure, Cloud Technology, Integrated Planning, One Water, Integrated Urban Water ManagementProgress and Final Reports:
The perspectives, information and conclusions conveyed in research project abstracts, progress reports, final reports, journal abstracts and journal publications convey the viewpoints of the principal investigator and may not represent the views and policies of ORD and EPA. Conclusions drawn by the principal investigators have not been reviewed by the Agency.