Ambient Air Sampling For Dioxins, Furans And Coplanar PCBs In An Urban Industrialized Corridor In Calcasieu Parish, Louisiana

In response to reports of elevated dioxin concentrations in the blood of several people in southern Louisian and requests by local citizens and regulatory agencies, United States Environmental Protection Agency Region 6 and the Lousiana Department of Environmental Quality implemented an ambient air monitoring study for dioxins and dioxin-like compounds in Calcasieu Parish, Louisiana. Four sampling stations were selected based on air dispersion modeling used to predict the areas of greatest impact from surrounding industry, and one station was established as a control.

This paper reports on results from that study.
Gibbs, J.; hansen, M.; Ferrario, J. 2003. Ambient Air Sampling for Dioxins, Furans and Coplanar PCBs in an Urban Industrialized Corridor in Calcasieu Parish, Louisiana. Organohalogen Compounds 63.

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