Air Quality Criteria for Particulate Matter (Final Report, 1996)

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In accordance with the requirements of the Clean Air Act, requiring the EPA Administrator periodically to review and revise, as appropriate, the criteria and NAAQS for listed criteria pollutants, this document represents a re-evaluation of the scientific data for PM. The document is divided into three volumes:
  • Volume I (chapters 1 through 7, EPA 600/P-95/001aF);
  • Volume II (chapters 8 through 11, EPA 600/P-95/001bF); and
  • Volume III (chapters 12 and 13, EPA 600/P-95/001cF).

Chapter 1, the executive summary, is a summarization of the key points noted in the document.
Chapter 2 is an introduction and overview of the rationale underlying the current PM standards. A discussion of the topics and issues of concern in developing the current criteria is also included in Chapter 2.
In Chapter 3 , background information on the physical and chemical properties of particles, including identification of the major chemical constituents of particles, particle formation and growth, and transport and transformation processes is discussed.
Chapter 4 describes the sampling and analysis methods available for measurement of particles and bioaerosols, and acid deposition.
Sources of PM, both primary and secondary, are described in Chapter 5.
Environmental concentrations and chemical composition of airborne PM are discussed in Chapter 6, which also includes a discussion of the patterns and trends in particle and aerosol exposure from both global and national levels.
Chapter 7 discusses human exposure to particles and bioaerosols in both the ambient and indoor environment, as well as sources and concentrations of particles in homes and other structures.
Chapters 8 through 10 discuss welfare effects. More specifically, Chapter 8 describes the effects of particles on visibility and climate.


U.S. EPA. Air Quality Criteria for Particulate Matter (Final Report, 1996). U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C., EPA 600/P-95/001.