Synthesis And Assessment Product 4.6: Analysis Of The Effects Of Global Change On Human Health And Welfare And Human Systems

This product is a report produced under the auspices of the United States Climate Change Science Program (CCSP). The report is one of the 21 synthesis and assessment products (SAPs) called for in the Strategic Plan of the CCSP to support policy making and adaptive management across the range of issues addressed by the CCSP.


The purpose of this report is to analyze the effects of global change, especially climate variability and change and land use change, on human health, human welfare, and human settlements in the United States. Note, an official peer review plan was approved and posted on a CCSP website in July 2006. The purpose of posting this plan from the EPA Science Inventory is for compliance with EPA requirements. There is no comment period for this plan since there was a comment period in July 2006 at CCSP's website.


U.S. EPA. Synthesis And Assessment Product 4.6: Analysis Of The Effects Of Global Change On Human Health And Welfare And Human Systems. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC, EPA/600/R-09/040.