Cumulative Risk Assessment: Overview of Agency Guidance, Practice and Current Major Research Activities

Powerpoint presentation that includes the EPA's definition of CRA, relevant publications already in existence, the CRA Guidelines effort, science issues where research is still needed, program office practices related to CRA, and EPA research activities.


Presentation to EPA's Science Advisory Board (SAB) summaryizing the cumulative risk assessment (CRA) activites across the Agency, including the Guidelines effort, current practices and research. The SAB is seeking background information on CRA as it relates to their potential review of the Petroleum Refinery Sector Risk and Technolog Review (RTR) and New Source Performance Standard (2060 AQ75). Public comments on the RTR at the SAB's March 5, 2013 teleconference meeting included a need for EPA to assess multiple pollutant sources in an affected geographic area and to consider disproportionately impacted populations.


Teuschler, L. Cumulative Risk Assessment: Overview of Agency Guidance, Practice and Current Major Research Activities. Presented at SAB Meeting, NA, July 19, 2013.