
CASRN 765-34-4 | DTXSID9020665

Noncancer Assessment

Reference Dose for Oral Exposure (RfD) (PDF) (15 pp, 121 K) Last Updated: 08/22/1988

System RfD (mg/kg-day) Basis PoD Composite UF Confidence
Endocrine, Urinary, Hematologic, Other 4 x 10-4 Weight gain retardation, enlarged adrenals, hydropic renal pelvis and hematopoietic effects NOAEL : 1.09
3000 Low


Reference Concentration for Inhalation Exposure (RfC) (PDF) (15 pp, 121 K)
Not assessed under the IRIS Program.


Cancer Assessment

Weight of Evidence for Cancer (PDF) (15 pp, 121 K) Last Updated: 08/01/1991

WOE Characterization Framework for WOE Characterization
B2 (Probable human carcinogen - based on sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in animals) Guidelines for Carcinogen Risk Assessment (U.S. EPA, 1986)
  • Based on no human data and an increased incidence of malignant tumors in rats and mice following subcutaneous injection of glycidaldehyde and of skin carcinomas following dermal application to mice. Glycidaldehyde shows mutagenic activity in many assay systems and is known to be highly reactive because of the epoxide and the aldehyde groups. A number of structurally related epoxide compounds are also carcinogenic in experimental animals, including the analogues glycidol and propylene oxide.
  • This may be a synopsis of the full weight-of-evidence narrative.

Quantitative Estimate of Carcinogenic Risk from Oral Exposure (PDF) (15 pp, 121 K)

Not assessed under the IRIS Program.

Quantitative Estimate of Carcinogenic Risk from Inhalation Exposure (PDF) (15 pp, 121 K)

Not assessed under the IRIS Program.

Additional EPA toxicity information may be available by visiting the following sites:

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