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Compare IRIS Values

List of IRIS Substances

The Compare IRIS Values page allows users to compare IRIS values across a user-selected set of substances. The page allows users to select substances from the drop down list of all IRIS substances and generate a Multiple Substance Report that compares hazard identification and dose-response information, including RfDs, RfCs, weight-of-evidence characterizations, slope factors, and unit risks. The Multiple Substance Reports list the selected IRIS values and other important contextual information (e.g., critical effects, Point of Departures) and provide links to the IRIS Summaries and Quickview pages for the selected substances.

Select Multiple Substances
To select multiple substances, hold down the CTRL key (for PC's); Shift key (for Macintosh's).

Select type of data to compare (check all that apply)

Notice: Length of time to generate comparative reports will vary depending on the number of Substances and types of data selected. If you are experiencing long waiting periods, try selecting fewer substances and/or types of data. Recommended to view reports at 800x600 resolution or higher.

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