Review of the University of Michigan Dioxin Exposure Study (September 2009)
EPA announced the release of the report entitled, Review of the University of Michigan Dioxin Exposure Study (September 2009), as announced in the September 30, 2009 Region 5 Press Release.Abstract
This report represents EPA’s evaluation and review of the University of Michigan Dioxin Exposure Study (UMDES). The UMDES was a field study of dioxin and dioxin-like compounds in the blood serum of populations living in and around Midland, Michigan, and was designed to understand the pattern of serum dioxin, furan and PCB levels among adults in the area and the factors that explain variation in these levels.
EPA’s evaluation of the study was completed by scientists from the National Center for Environmental Assessment working with EPA Region 5 and the Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response. The evaluation was completed as part of EPA’s Science Plan for Activities Related to Dioxins in the Environment released in May 2009, by Administrator Lisa P. Jackson.
EPA’s evaluation of the study was completed by scientists from the National Center for Environmental Assessment working with EPA Region 5 and the Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response. The evaluation was completed as part of EPA’s Science Plan for Activities Related to Dioxins in the Environment released in May 2009, by Administrator Lisa P. Jackson.
The objectives of EPA’s review were to comment on the design, implementation and results of the UMDES and the relevance of the study’s findings to EPA’s regulatory mission.
U.S. EPA. Review of the University of Michigan Dioxin Exposure Study (September 2009). U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC, EPA/600/R-09/117, 2009.
This document has been reviewed in accordance with U.S. Environmental Protection Agency policy and approved for publication. Mention of trade names or commercial products does not constitute endorsement or recommendation for use.
- Review of the University of Michigan Dioxin Exposure Study (PDF) (76 pp, 838 KB, about PDF)
- Science in Action Fact Sheet (PDF) (2 pp, 142 KB, about PDF)