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Contaminant concentration criteria are required to prevent contaminant infiltration from leading to conditions which exceed health criteria. A methodology of groundwater has been described which may be used to select those criteria and quantify concentrations associated with placement of a given sludge in a designated landfill. However, use of the model and good management practices cannot guarantee that environmentally significant releases will not occur. s a consequence, a comprehensive monitoring program should be implemented with any sludge disposal alternative. In the case of landfills, this would consist of monitoring wells to detect ground-water contamination from infiltration.


Fradkin, L., R. Bruins, W. Peirano, S. Lutkenhoff, J. Stara, G. Dawson, AND J. English. RISK ASSESSMENT METHODOLOGY FOR DETERMINING GROUNDWATER CONTAMINATION FROM LANDFILL SLUDGE. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C., EPA/600/D-89/027 (NTIS PB89223945).

Additional Information

Published in : Environmental Engineering: Proceedings of the 1986 Specialty Conference, W.A. Cawley and J.M. Morand, Eds., Am. Soc, Civil Engineers, New York