Urban-Rural Variation In The Occurrence Of Neural Tube Defects In Texas

This study examined the pattern and magnitude of urban-rural variation in anencephaly, spina bifida without anencephaly, and encephalocele in Texas using four different indicators of urban-rural status for the period 1999 to 2003.


Neural tube birth defects (NTDs), which include anencephaly, spina bifida, and encephalocele, affect approcimately 4,000 pregnancies in the U.S. annually. The etiology of NTDs is believed to be multifactorial, but much remains unknown.


LUBEN, T., L. C. MESSER, S. Carozza, S. Horel, P. Mendola, AND P. Langlois. Urban-Rural Variation In The Occurrence Of Neural Tube Defects In Texas. Presented at International Society for Environmental Epidemiology Meeting, Pasadena, CA, October 12 - 16, 2008.