CADDIS Volume 3: Examples & Applications

Approaches for the Application of Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic (PBPK) Models and Supporting Data in Risk Assessment (External Review Draft 2005)

Federal Register Notices

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This draft report of Approaches for the Application of Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic (PBPK) Models and Supporting Data in Risk Assessment addresses the application and evaluation of PBPK models for risk assessment purposes. These models represent an important class of dosimetry models that are useful for predicting internal dose at target organs for risk assessment applications.

Topics covered include:
  • the types of data required use of PBPK models in risk assessment,
  • evaluation of PBPK models for use in risk assessment, and
  • the application of these models to address uncertainties resulting from extrapolations (e.g. interspecies extrapolation) often used in risk assessment.
In addition, appendices are provided that include
  • a compilation of chemical partition coefficients and rate constants,
  • algorithms for estimating chemical-specific parameters, and
  • a list of publications relating to PBPK modeling.


This report is primarily meant to serve as a learning tool for EPA scientists and risk assessors who may be less familiar with the field. In addition, this report can be informative to PBPK modelers within and outside the Agency, as it provides an assessment of the types of data and models that the EPA requires for consideration of a model for use in risk assessment.


In summer 2005, there will be a meeting in Washington, DC for the purpose of providing an independent scientific peer review of this document. EPA will issue a separate notice, to be published in the Federal Register, that will give the dates and place of this public meeting. The notice will describe procedures for the public to register, without cost, to attend the meeting and to give written and/or oral comment before the peer review panel. With the completion of the scientific peer review, EPA will review all comments received, including public comments, to finalize the document.

Once this is done, the final report, which addresses both public and peer review comments, will be published and available from the EPA Web site.


U.S. EPA. Approaches for the Application of Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic (PBPK) Models and Supporting Data in Risk Assessment (External Review Draft 2005). U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C., EPA/600/R-05/043A, 2005.


Date Description
01-2003EPA award released a solicitation for a contract to develop a report for the "Application of Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic Data and Models in Risk Assessment."
02-2004A draft document was released for internal review.
03-Jul 2005EPA released the external review draft for public comment and peer review
04-Nov 2005A draft of this report was subjected to an external review by a panel of independent experts.

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