Emission Factors and Supporting Information Web Service

The Combined Air Emissions Reporting (CAER) Web Service provides an interface to the emission factors and supporting information related to CAER common form found in the Terminology Services (TS) registry.

The web service allows for retrieval of EPA emission factors contained in WebFIRE by searching using the numeric Source Classification Code (SCC) (required) and/or SCC text description along with optional parameters of Pollutant, Control Device Name, Control Device NEI Code, AP-42 Section and Factor Status. The service returns JSON output. Definitions of terminology related to emissions factors are found in the WebFIRE Glossary Reference.

Query Services

Search WebFIRE Emission Factors

GET /getEFData


This service queries emissions factors contained in EPA’s WebFIRE. When searching, at least one SCC must be supplied or multiple codes separated by double pipe characters (||).


Name Description
SCC[]Required. Single or multiple SCC numeric codes, and/or text descriptions, separated by double pipe characters.
(e.g. SCC=External Combustion Boilers||10200206).
pollutant[]Optional. The value to use when searching for emissions factors for a specified pollutant (non-case sensitive). Pollutant can be associated with pollutant name, Chemical Abstract Service (CAS) number, or National Emissions Inventory (NEI) code (e.g. SCC=10100203&pollutant=Ammonia). If omitted, the service returns emissions factors for all pollutants.
control[]Optional. The value to use when searching for emissions factors for a specific control device name. Multiple values may be passed, separated by double pipe characters (e.g. SCC=20200909&control=SELECTIVE CATALYTIC REDUCTION (SCR). If omitted, the service returns emissions factors for all controls.
controlNEI[]Optional. The value to use when searching for emissions factors for specific control device NEI codes. Multiple values may be passed, separated by double pipe characters (e.g. SCC=External Combustion Boiler&controlNEI=000||100 or 100). If omitted, the service returns emissions factors for all controls.
ap42Section[]Optional. The value to use when searching for emissions factors for a specific AP-42 Section. This service allows partial or exact matches: (e.g. SCC=202&ap42section=1). If omitted, the service returns emissions factors for all AP-42 sections.
revoked_factors[]Optional. The value to use when wanting to include or exclude revoked factors. Possible values: yes (e.g. SCC=101&revoked_factors=yes). If omitted, then no is the default and the service returns all current factors.
LastCreatedSince Optional. The date on or after which the emission factor has been created or modified. This service allows filtered by SCC and Date in the ISO date format: yyyy-mm-dd (e.g. SCC=202&LastCreatedSince=2000-01-01). If omitted, this service will not be filtered by the date.

Please note that the results for the sample URLs below are limited to a single record for illustration purposes, rather than presenting the results for all records relevant to the search parameters.

Results Sample 1

Objective: Find all factors for SCC=30302388

Call Syntax: (SCC=30302388)

Result: Controlled emission factor value for Filterable PM

hits: 4,
results: [
			activity: "Tons Pellets Produced",
			ap42section: 11.23,
			applicability: "",
			cas: "  7440-41-7",
			composite_test_rating: 15,
			condition: "",
			control_1: "CYCLONES (MULTIPLE)",
			control_2: "WET SCRUBBER",
			control_3: "",
			control_4: "",
			control_5: "",
			controlcode_1: 121,
			controlcode_2: 141,
			controlcode_3: "",
			controlcode_4: "",
			controlcode_5: "",
			created: "01/02/1997",
			data_category: "Point",
			date_record_updated: "",
			derivation: "",
			eis_action_code: "O",
			eis_denominator_code: "TON",
			eis_material_code: 232,
			eis_numerator_code: "LB",
			factor: 2.9e-7,
			factor_status: "Current",
			factorid: 15523
			formula: "FACTOR",
			nei_pollutant_code: 7440417,
			notes: "",
			pollutant: "Beryllium",
			quality: "E",
			record_update_reason: "",
			scc: 30302388,
			scctext: "Industrial Processes > Primary Metal Production > Taconite Iron Ore Processing > Induration: Straight Grate, Coke & Gas-fired, Flux Pellets",
			unit: "Lb",
			variable_definition: "",

Results Sample 2

Objective: Find all current (unrevoked) factors for SCC = 10100202 for control code 100

Call Syntax: (SCC=10100202||External Combustion Boilers&Revoked_Factors=No&ControlNEI=100)

Result: Formula for PM25-FIL (note that the formula variable "CA" is defined with the "variable definition" value returned from the web service call).

			activity: "Tons Bituminous Coal Burned",
			ap42section: 1.1,
			applicability: "",
			cas: "   ",
			composite_test_rating: "",
			condition: "",
			control_1: "BAGHOUSE",
			control_2: "",
			control_3: "",
			control_4: "",
			control_5: "",
			controlcode_1: 100,
			controlcode_2: "",
			controlcode_3: "",
			controlcode_4: "",
			controlcode_5: "",
			created: "01/12/1999",,
			data_category: "Point",
			date_record_updated: "",
			derivation: "Baghouse estimated control efficiency is 99.8%.  ",
			eis_action_code: "NA",
			eis_denominator_code: "NA",
			eis_material_code: "NA",
			eis_numerator_code: "NA",
			factor: "1.00E-02*CA",
			factor_status: "Current",
			factorid: 257,
			formula: "1.00E-02*CA",
			nei_pollutant_code: "PM25-FIL",
			notes: "Multiply the emission factor provided by the weight percent ash content of the coal, as fired, to obtain emission factor in lb/activity units. For example, if coal ash weight is 8.2%, then CA=8.2.",
			pollutant: "PM2.5, filterable",
			quality: "E",
			record_update_reason: "",
			revoked_date: "",
			scc: 10100202,
			scctext: "External Combustion > Electric Generation: Boilers > Bituminous/Subbituminous Coal > Bituminous Coal, Pulverized: Boiler, Dry Bottom",
			unit: "Lb",
			variable_definition: "CA=Coal ash content (weight %)",

Results Sample 3

Objective: Find all factors in AP-42 Section 1.1 for SCC 10200205

Call Syntax: (SCC=10200205&AP42Section=1.1)

Result: Uncontrolled emission factor for Nitrous Oxide

			activity: "Tons Bituminous Coal Burned",
			ap42section: 1.1,
			applicability: "Accounts for fly ash settling in breaching or stack base.  Particulate loadings directly at boiler outlet typically can be 50% higher.  Includes traveling grate, vibrating grate and chain grate stokers.",
			cas: "  ",
			composite_test_rating: 45,
			condition: "",
			control_1: "UNCONTROLLED",
			control_2: "",
			control_3: "",
			control_4: "",
			control_5: "",
			controlcode_1: 0,
			controlcode_2: "",
			controlcode_3: "",
			controlcode_4: "",
			controlcode_5: "",
			created: "September 1, 1998",
			data_category: "Point",
			date_record_updated: "",
			derivation: "",
			eis_action_code: "I",
			eis_denominator_code: "TON",
			eis_material_code: 663,
			eis_numerator_code: "LB",
			factor: 16,
			factor_status: "Current",
			factorid: 905,
			formula: "FACTOR",
			nei_pollutant_code: "PM-FIL",
			notes: "",
			pollutant: "PM, filterable",
			quality: "C",
			record_update_reason: "",
			revoked_date: "",
			scc: 10200205,
			scctext: "External Combustion > Industrial: Boilers > Bituminous/Subbituminous Coal > Bituminous Coal: Overfeed Stoker",
			unit: "Lb",
			variable_definition: "",

Results Sample 4

Objective: Find all factors in AP-42 Section 1.1 for SCC 10200205

Call Syntax: (SCC=203002&Control=SELECTIVE CATALYTIC REDUCTION (SCR)&Pollutant=NH3)

Result: Controlled emission factor value for SCC 20300201 for NH3

			activity: "Million Standard Cubic Feet Natural Gas Burned",
			ap42section: "",
			applicability: "",
			cas: "  7664-41-7",
			composite_test_rating: 45,
			condition: "",
			control_2: "",
			control_3: "",
			control_4: "",
			control_5: "",
			controlcode_1: 139,
			controlcode_2: "",
			controlcode_3: "",
			controlcode_4: "",
			controlcode_5: "",
			created: "01/09/2000",
			data_category: "Point",
			date_record_updated: "",
			derivation: "",
			eis_action_code: "I",
			eis_denominator_code: "E6FT3S",
			eis_material_code: 209,
			eis_numerator_code: "LB",
			factor: 9.1,
			factor_status: "Current",
			factorid: 12349,
			formula: "FACTOR",
			nei_pollutant_code: "NH3",
			notes: "",
			pollutant: "Ammonia",
			quality: "C",
			record_update_reason: "",
			revoked_date: "",
			scc: 20300201,
			scctext: "Internal Combustion Engines > Commercial/Institutional > Natural Gas > Reciprocating",
			unit: "Lb",
			variable_definition: "",

Results Sample 5

Objective: Find all factors for SCCs containing "103" where the control includes either "Thermal Oxidizer" or "Flue Gas Recirculation"

Call Syntax: (SCC=103&Control=Thermal Oxidizer||Flue Gas Recirculation)

Result: Controlled emission factor value for SCC 10300501 for NOx

			activity: "1000 Gallons Distillate Oil (No. 1 & 2) Burned",
			ap42section: 1.3,
			applicability: "",
			cas: "   7446-09-5",
			composite_test_rating: "",
			condition: "",
			control_2: "",
			control_3: "",
			control_4: "",
			control_5: "",
			controlcode_1: 26,
			controlcode_2: "",
			controlcode_3: "",
			controlcode_4: "",
			controlcode_5: "",
			created: "01/09/1998",
			data_category: "Point",
			date_record_updated: "",
			derivation: "",
			eis_action_code: "NA",
			eis_denominator_code: "NA",
			eis_material_code: "NA",
			eis_numerator_code: "NA",
			factor: "1.42E+02*FS",
			factor_status: "Current",
			factorid: 9744,
			formula: "1.42E+02*FS",
			nei_pollutant_code: "SO2",
			notes: "To determine EF in lb/ton, multiply the EF provided by the weight percent sulfur (FS).",
			pollutant: "Sulfur dioxide",
			quality: "A",
			record_update_reason: "",
			revoked_date: "",
			scc: 10300501,
			scctext: "External Combustion > Commercial/Institutional: Boilers > Distillate Oil > Distillate Oil - Grades 1 and 2: Boiler",
			unit: "Lb",
			variable_definition: "FS=Fuel sulfur content (weight %)",

Results Sample 6

Objective: Find all factors for SCCs containing "3040" and that were created on and after the filtered date

Call Syntax: (SCC=3040&lastCreatedsince=2004-01-01)

Result: Controlled emission factor value for SCC 30400302 and NOx created on January 9, 2004

  "hits": 43,
"results": [
			activity: "MMBtu Steel Produced",
			ap42section: "12.5.1",
			applicability: "",
			cas: "  ",
			composite_test_rating: 15,
			condition: "",
			control_1: "LOW NOX BURNER (LNB)",
			control_2: "",
			control_3: "",
			control_4: "",
			control_5: "",
			controlcode_1: 205,
			controlcode_2: "",
			controlcode_3: "",
			controlcode_4: "",
			controlcode_5: "",
			created: "09/01/2004",
			data_category: "Point",
			date_record_updated: "",
			derivation: "",
			eis_action_code: "O",
			eis_denominator_code: "NA",
			eis_material_code: 574,
			eis_numerator_code: "LB",
			factor: 0.076,
			factor_status: "Current",
			factorid: 28083,
			formula: "FACTOR",
			nei_pollutant_code: "NOX",
			notes: "",
			pollutant: "Nitrogen oxides (NOx)",
			quality: "E",
			record_update_reason: "",
			revoked_date: "",
			scc: 30400302,
			scctext: "Industrial Processes > Secondary Metal Production > Grey Iron Foundries > Reverberatory Furnace",
			unit: "Lb",
			variable_definition: "",

Sample URLs

Description URL
Search for SCC numeric code "30302388"
Query with SCC numeric code "10100202" or SCC Text Description "External Combustion Boilers" and "no" Revoked Factors with Control Device NEI code of "100"
Search for SCC numeric code "10200205" and AP-42 Section contains "1.1"
Query SCC numeric code contains "203002" and Control Device Name is "SELECTIVE CATALYTIC REDUCTION (SCR)", and Pollutant contains "NH3"
Query where (SCC numeric code) contains "103" and Control Device Name is either "Thermal Oxidizer" or "Flue Gas Recirculation"
Query where (SCC numeric code) contains "3040" and Created Date was on or after 2004-01-01 (ISO Date Format)