Science Inventory



Recent research has generated conflicting results on the effects of atrazine on gonadal developmental (e.g., male hermaphroditism) in amphibians and how these effects influence secondary sexual characteristics (e.g., laryngeal muscle mass). The SAP is being asked to consider the range of effects associated with exposure of amphibians to atrazine and to determine the significance of these effects for risk assessment and the likely threshold exposure value for eliciting these effects. The SAP is also being asked to identify what additional, specific information, if any, would significantly reduce uncertainties in determining a causal relationship between atrazine exposure and development in amphibians and the extent to which any changes in development can be related to effects on survival, growth and reproductive performance. To the extent that significant knowledge gaps or areas of variability in the existing knowledge base are identified, the SAP is being asked to prioritize what additional types of data would lead to the greatest incremental reductions in risk assessment uncertainties.

Record Details:

Record Type:DOCUMENT
Product Published Date:11/17/2003
Record Last Revised:07/07/2004
Record ID: 82026