Science Inventory



Stevens, S. AND J. E. Schenk. OVERVIEW OF SOURCE WATER PROTECTION (SWP) AND WET-WEATHER FLOW (WWF) ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY VERIFICATION (ETV) PILOT PROGRAMS. Presented at Small Drinking Water and Wastewater Systems Symposium, sponsored by NSF International and Rural Water Research and Education Foundation, Phoenix, AZ, 1/12-15/2000.


The USEPA Environmental Technology Verification (ETV) Program objectives, goals and benefits were described in detail in the presentation for the ETV Package Drinking Water Treatment System pilot earlier in this session. As mentioned in the presentation, three of the twelve piulots that make up the ETV Program are managed by NSF International. The Package Drinking Water Treatment Systems Pilot was one of the first pilots to be funded under the Program, while the other two pilots - Source Water Protection Technologies and Wet Weather Flow Technologies - were among the final three pilots to be funded. The latter pilots were initiated in 1998 with three year pilot periods. Both pilots are expected to be extended to five years, ending in 2003. The basic objectives and benefits of the ETV Program apply to both of the new pilots. Each is focusing on developing technically appropriate protocols with stakeholder input, producing credible test data, distributing verification results to interested parties, gaining widespread acceptance by the professional community, and developing a self-sustaining program. The benefits of the pilots are to provide credible verified data to reduce risks to purchasers, consulting engineers and regulators, and to facilitate entry into, and acceptance by, the market place for the technologies. The approaches used by the two pilots are quite similar, with each relying on directionsl input from stakeholder advisory groups, and using technology panels for development of protocols for verification testing of technologies. Vendor meetings are utilized while protocols are still in the development stage to make the manufacturers of the technologies aware of the ETV process, and to solicit input from vendors regarding the protocols. While the Source Water Protection and Wet Weather Flows pilots differ in the scope of technologies to be addressed by each, there are technologies that overlap the two pilots and present opportunities for collabortive verification efforts. The USEPA Urban Watershed Management Branch in Edison, NJ provide EPA management of the two pilots. Raymond Frederick is the EPA Manage for Source Water Protection and Mary Stinson is the EPA Manager for Wet Weather Flow.

Record Details:

Product Published Date:01/12/2000
Record Last Revised:06/21/2006
Record ID: 59699