Science Inventory



The National Eutrophication Survey on Magic Reservoir determined that Camas Creek in Camas County, Idaho (17040220) contributed roughly 45% of the total phosphorus load and 34% of the total nitrogen load into Magic Reservoir. From this finding, a water quality study was conducted on Camas Creek in Water Year 1979 to determine the nutrient sources on Camas Creek. The study provided approximately bi-monthly monitoring on 4 mainstem stations, 14 tributary stations, and the City of Fairfield sewage treatment plant outfall. The major parameter categories examined were temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, bacteria, oxygen demand, solids, select ions, nutrients, trace inorganic toxins, and flow. During the study, the major stream water quality problems were trophic concentrations of nutrients. Some sporadic bacteria violations were also noted, but turbidity and suspended sediment levels were not high enough for concern. Phosphorus concentrations as high as twice the algal bloom potential were observed on several intermittent tributaries and on Camas Creek. Generally during non-runoff periods, inorganic nitrogen concentrations were greatly above trophic levels on some of the tributaries and near the mouth of Camas Creek. Field observations indicate that the major pollution sources in the Camas Creek drainage are agricultural nonpoint sources. Best Management Practices would reduce sediment and nutrient sources from these streams. Water Quality Summary No. 16. 1980. Department of Health and Welfare, Division of Environment, Boise, ID.

Record Details:

Record Type:DOCUMENT
Product Published Date:09/25/1997
Record Last Revised:12/10/2002
Record ID: 5809