Science Inventory



To develop faster, lower cost, greener laboratory-based methods with optimum contamination controls and sensitive analytical methods for identified high priority EDCs


Endocrine disrupter compounds (EDCs) are exogenous agents that interfere with the production, release, transport, metabolism, binding action, or elimination of the natural hormones in the body responsible for the maintenance of homeostasis and regulation of developmental processes. The EDC-ORD program integrates research in this area by consolidating ongoing efforts into a structured program, finding consensus among the labs on science prioritization, and designing a framework around the risk assessment/risk management paradigm. Under the Safe Drinking Water Act Amendments (SDWAA) and the Food Quality Protection Act (FQPA), we are mandated to develop a screening and testing program to evaluate for estrogenic or other hormonal activity the potential of chemicals which are found in water sources and food. EPA is also aware that state and local agencies need validated EDC methods to determine when EDC exposures occur, the extent of these exposures, and to support the appropriate risk mitigation activities. In order to address the Agency's priorities, NERL has developed a program that would provide data, tools, and exposure information on potential EDCs. This task supports the Long Term Goal on the EDC program related to "Provide a better understanding of the science underlying the effects, exposure, assessment, and management of EDCs." The main function of this task is to develop analytical methods for detecting EDCs. EDCs are highly complex chemical species found at low concentrations in virtually every relevant environmental media, with many of these chemicals bioaccumulating up the food chain and potentially undergoing biotransformation. Reliable analytical methods are needed to address the stakeholder-based research question regarding the extent of the impact of endocrine disrupters on humans, wildlife, and the environment and to identify the major sources and environmental fates of EDCs. Developing rapid, low cost, and/or high sensitivity analytical methods is a priority of the program so datagaps can be filled and exposure data provided to risk assessors, risk managers, and modelers. The data obtained by applying the methods developed would provide a better understanding of exposure concentrations and fate and transport patterns. This task focuses on the analytical methods development area and complements tasks 6498 (Development of Molecular Diagnostic Indicators of Exposure) and the New EDC database. NERL is collaborating on a cosponsored Regions 3 and 5 RARE Research Program to develop and validate analytical methods for alkylphenols and the corresponding ethoxylates. These methods are being developed with NRMRL and provided to selected Regions and States in the future to assess community exposures from sewage treatment plants and confined animal feeding operations. The EDC methods development team is working to determine the high priority needs of Federal Organization of States and Tribal Toxics Activities (FOSTTA) and the American Association of Pesticide Control Officials (AAPCO) EDC compounds.

Record Details:

Record Type:PROJECT
Start Date:02/01/2000
Completion Date:09/01/2003
Record ID: 56099