Science Inventory



The NHEXAS analysis projects being conducted by NERL address the following scientific issues/questions:

- Do exposure distributions vary by demographic group?

- What is the impact of censoring (BDL) on multimedia distributions and associations?

- Which questionnaire/diary items are most useful in explaining variability or identifying "high exposure" groups?

- How do exposure classifications and measurements compare in their ability to explain variability in exposures and biomarkers?

- Can changes in exposures over time be explained by dietary and questionnaire/activity information?

- How well do NHEXAS findings compare with existing models/assessments (e.g., NATA)?


The National Human Exposure Assessment Survey (NHEXAS) was developed by the Office of Research and Development (ORD) of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) early in the 1990s to provide critical information about multipathway, multimedia population exposure distribution to chemical classes. It was a population-based pilot study of the exposure of over 500 people in three areas of the U.S. to metals, pesticides, volatile organic compounds, and other toxic chemicals. Measurements were made of the air people breathed, the foods and beverages they consumed, and the soil and dust in/near their home. Chemicals in their blood and urine were measured. The participants also completed questionnaires to help identify possible sources of exposures and to characterize activities that might contribute to exposure. EPA's Science Advisory Board recommended that EPA develop a strategy to analyze the data to ensure the optimal use of the data (EPA-SAB-IHEC-ADV-99-004). To develop this strategy EPA/ORD began with a workshop at which about 70 scientific and policy experts from ORD, EPA program offices, EPA regions, other federal agencies, state health agencies, academia, and private institutions. Based on the projects identified, EPA/ORD developed a strategy for the analyses of the NHEXAS pilot study data. The Strategic Plan describes projects in six topic areas: descriptive statistics; predictors of exposure and dose; spatial and temporal variability; aggregate exposure, pathway analysis, and cumulative risk; evaluation/refinement of current exposure models and assessments; and designing exposure studies. Criteria were established for ranking projects within each of these topic areas based on both the near- and long-term value to EPA. This prioritization will be used as a guide for ORD to implement the analyses. The Strategy was reviewed by SAB/IHEC in July, 2000 (EPA-SAB-IHEC-00-018). The revised strategy (EPA/600/R-00/049) was made available on the EPA/NERL web-site at . This Task describes analysis projects being done by EPA/NERL scientists and the status of other projects that were initiated in FY01 and FY02.

Record Details:

Record Type:PROJECT
Start Date:10/01/2000
Completion Date:09/01/2003
Record ID: 29215