Science Inventory



The purpose of this research is to reduce uncertainties in exposure assessments of young children by improving EPA's ability to measure exposures in the context of aggregate and cumulative exposure assessments. The general objective of this research is to support FQPA children's exposure assessment efforts by improving procedures and reducing uncertainty in measurements for dietary exposure of young children, a critically needed area for improved risk assessment. Specifically, this research will evaluate a protocol and companion model for measuring or otherwise assessing the combined dietary intake of a young child as influenced by pesticides, or other environmental contaminants, which contaminate their foods during the eating process (indirect ingestion exposure). This research will continue to develop the important factors which are needed to characterize excess intake of pesticides by young children. Specifically, the research will measure pesticide surface transfer efficiencies for food contacts with surfaces and eating activity patterns of young children that define the frequency of contacts with contaminated surfaces. A series of reports/products are anticipated by the end of FY05.


Dietary exposure research supports the requirements of the Food Quality Protection Act (FQPA) of 1996 by improving methods of aggregate and cumulative exposure assessments for children. The goal of this research is to reduce the level of uncertainty in assessing the dietary pathway relative to other pathways. This will improve NERL's ability to measure dietary intake and contributions from indirect ingestion. Excess contamination due to surface-to-food and surface-to-hand-to-food contacts for young children occurs during their eating processes. This task describes research efforts in the areas of dietary measurement protocol improvements, field measurement evaluations, and improved modeling of dietary exposure to assess these excess exposures. Specifically, research will be conducted to further test and evaluate a protocol and companion model for measuring or otherwise assessing the combined dietary intake of a young child as influenced by pesticides, or other environmental contaminants, which contaminate their foods during the eating process (indirect ingestion exposure). The interactions of food with environmental media, such as hands, floors and other contaminated surfaces, will be characterized. An understanding of the child's eating activities will be developed in order to accurately measure and efficiently model indirect ingestion exposures of young children. A complete and valid model with protocols for collecting appropriate samples for model parameter input will be finalized and used in NERL multimedia/multipathway human exposure studies to evaluate total dietary exposure including indirect ingestion exposures.

Record Details:

Record Type:PROJECT
Start Date:07/01/1998
Projected Completion Date:09/01/2005
OMB Category:Other
Record ID: 29212