Science Inventory



Pollution from boats or yachts are often overlooked comparing to the pollutions from land vehicles. However, the accumulative effect of idling boats can be significant. In this project, we plan to develop a secondary wind-based power source. It will

  1. Provide extra power during regular operational time.
  2. Reduce pollution by completely shutting off the motor in idling time.
  3. Provide peace of mind in sea-going adventure.
  4. Extend the distance or duration of a trip.
  5. Help the students understand the importance of sustainability and learn how to protect the planet and environment using their knowledge and expertise.
  6. Make boat and yacht owners more sustainable.
  7. Educate millions of boat renters and passengers to be more aware of the pollution and appreciate the potential of the sustainable technology.


We currently have a functioning land-based prototype in field test. In this proposed project, we would like to build and finish a working prototype that can fit to a small boat. It will be launched from the boat and generate electricity that can at least light up a light bulb or charge a marine battery. If successful, we will refine the design in the second phase and contact renewable or boat industry to commercialize the device.

If the project is successful and is commercialized, it will provide millions of boat and yacht owners an opportunity to become more sustainable. It will also educate millions of boat renters and passengers to be more aware of the pollution and appreciate the potential of the sustainable technology.

Record Details:

Start Date:08/15/2012
Completion Date:08/14/2013
Record ID: 249027