Science Inventory



OncoLogicTM - A Computer System to Evaluate the Carcinogenic Potential of Chemicals
OncoLogicTM is a software program that evaluates the likelihood that a chemical may cause cancer. OncoLogicTM has been peer reviewed and is being released by EPA at no cost, to be available to any researcher or organization wishing to evaluate cancer potential of chemicals. This expert system is a computer program that mimics the judgment of experts by following sets of knowledge rules that are based on studies of how chemicals cause cancer in animals and humans. An expert system, like OncoLogicTM, asks for chemical and use information from the user and following the knowledge rules incorporated into the system, uses the responses to construct an estimation of the most likely results. Currently OncoLogicTM has subsystems that can evaluate fibers, metals, polymers, and more than 48 classes of organic chemicals.

Record Details:

Record Type:MODEL
Record Released:07/02/2010
Record Last Revised:07/02/2010
Record ID: 225846