Science Inventory

IRIS Toxicological Review of Acrylonitrile (External Review Draft)


On June 30, 2011, EPA announced the release of the IRIS Toxicological Review of Acrylonitrile (External Review Draft) for public viewing and comment. Public comments received on the Toxicological Review within 60 days after the release of the FRN were provided to the external peer reviewers for their consideration. Any comments not received within the requested time period will be considered by EPA in their revisions. EPA also announced a public listening session that was held on August 10, 2011 in Arlington, VA.


U.S. EPA. IRIS Toxicological Review of Acrylonitrile (External Review Draft). U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC, EPA/635/R-08/013A, 2011.


The Toxicological Review of Acrylonitrile provides scientific support and rationale for the hazard and dose-response assessment pertaining to chronic exposure to acrylonitrile.


[UPDATE] New Schedule for IRIS Acrylonitrile Assessment

In May 2012, EPA developed a new schedule for completing the IRIS acrylonitrile assessment. Acrylonitrile is primarily used in the manufacture of acrylic and modacrylic fibers, plastics, and nitrile rubbers. It is also used as an intermediate in the production of other chemicals.

EPA has decided to make further revisions to the acrylonitrile assessment to more fully address scientific issues in the assessment. The revised draft acrylonitrile assessment will be released for public comment and rigorous, independent expert peer review. EPA will seek to have the peer review performed by the new Chemical Assessment Advisory Committee that is being formed under the auspices of the Science Advisory Board.

Record Details:

Product Published Date:06/30/2011
Record Last Revised:12/05/2016
OMB Category:Influential
Record ID: 198583