Science Inventory

Modeling Environment for Total Risk-2E


MENTOR-2E uses an integrated, mechanistically consistent source-to-dose-to-response modeling framework to quantify inhalation exposure and doses resulting from emergency events. It is an implementation of the MENTOR system that is focused towards modeling of the impacts of releases of chemical and biological agents. MENTOR-2E uses, as one of the options, the USEPA’s Stochastic Human Exposure and Dose Simulation (SHEDS) approach.

MENTOR-2E calculates exposure and dose profiles, while providing the ability to focus on mechanism-relevant time scales, specific administrative areas, and subpopulations of interest. This is achieved by combining information on release characteristics, demographic characteristics of the population that can be potentially impacted, indoor/outdoor air exchange rates, time-activity diaries, and biologically based dosimetry. It uses the two dimensional Monte-Carlo methodology to quantify variability and uncertainty in model inputs and outputs.

MENTOR-2E has been applied to date to simulate potential casualties resulting from hypothetical releases of anthrax. It has also been applied for studying secondary exposures in hospital emergency rooms.

Plans for Future Model Development

Record Details:

Record Type:MODEL
Record Released:06/10/2008
Record Last Revised:07/11/2011
Record ID: 193583