Science Inventory



The objective of this effort is to evaluate the use of GIS as a tool for studying the potential impacts of exposure to DBPs from different disinfection treatments.


The project in Colorado is evaluating the use of GIS as a tool for studying the potential impacts of exposure to DBPs from different disinfection treatments on reproductive health in populations in Colorado. GIS is a data management and visualization tool that is assisting in study design, sample selection, exposure assessment and analysis of data. Possible associations between birth weight and concentrations of residual chorine or other parameters at various points along the distribution system are being evaluated in two communities that use either chlorination or chloramination. GIS will also be used to evaluate the spatial associations between environmental concentrations of DBPs and birth weight.

Another effort has involved an evaluation of methodologic issues and problems relating to the joining environmental monitoring databases with health databases. National data bases on health (National Maternal and Child Health Survey, 1988) and exposure (Federal Database Reporting System) were selected for analysis. Information on adverse reproductive outcomes (fetal death, low birth weight and small for gestational age) and on exposure to contaminants in drinking water (Maximum Contaminant Level violations for 1987, 1988 and 1989), is being compared.

Record Details:

Record Type:PROJECT
Start Date:01/01/1993
Completion Date:12/31/1999
Record ID: 18605