Science Inventory



(1) Determine contribution of biogenic sources to PM2.5 at representative U.S. sites and seasons via 14C ambient measurements.

(2) Investigate effect of (biogenic) ethanol-containing fuel on 14C estimates of mobile source-caused ambient PM2.5, anticipating greater future use of ethanol as a gasoline additive.

(3) Use 14C as a validation tool for CMAQ simulations and proposed biogenic SOA molecular tracers.

(4) Experimentally characterize monolith organic denuders for possible use in minimizing positive organic artifact in carbonaceous aerosol sampling.


The radiocarbon (14C) content of a sample measures the fraction of the sample's carbon originating from non-fossil-fuel (biogenic) sources. The most important of these sources are biomass burning (mostly winter, but wildfires can contribute in other seasons as well) and secondary organic aerosol (SOA) from biogenic VOC (summer). Previous measurements, both 14C and organic compound speciation, have suggested that such sources can be significant contributors to ambient PM2.5. This task will generate a comprehensive database of 14C and organic speciation results from field studies carried out at geographically diverse U.S. sites and during different seasons, to better assess the contribution of such sources on national and annual scales. The task also includes comparisons of the 14C results with proposed molecular organic tracers of biomass burning and SOA, and 14C comparisons with CMAQ simulations of biogenic PM2.5 for the same sites and dates that 14C data were obtained. Related activities will include 14C measurements on PM emissions from the combustion of (biogenic) ethanol-containing fuel, and investigation of monolith organic denuder technology for minimizing positive organic artifact in the collection of carbonaceous PM samples.

Record Details:

Record Type:PROJECT
Start Date:10/01/2004
Projected Completion Date:09/01/2006
OMB Category:Other
Record ID: 135583