Science Inventory



EPA/NERL/AMD will continue to participate in the coordination NARSTO management activities by providing technical assistance and leadership as directed by the NARSTO members.


The NARSTO program is a multi-national, public/private partnership of over 70 organizations sponsoring and participating in ozone and particulate air quality research in North America. Coordinate communication and planning with the NARSTO membership for air quality research, science plans, and state of science assessments. EPA/AMD provides a Associate Management Coordinator for the NARSTO program whose activities also include: providing technical assistance and leadership to the NARSTO Quality System Science Center which is charged with developing and maintaining the NARSTO permanent data archive at NASA as well as a comprehensive quality management system, management of infrastructure support to the NARSTO program, and responsibilities for several related assistance agreements.

Record Details:

Record Type:PROJECT
Start Date:01/01/2005
Projected Completion Date:12/01/2010
OMB Category:Other
Record ID: 113786