Office of Research and Development Publications

Decontamination of Subway Infrastructure Materials Contaminated with Biological Spores Using Methyl Bromide


Serre, S. AND W. Richter. Decontamination of Subway Infrastructure Materials Contaminated with Biological Spores Using Methyl Bromide. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC, EPA/600/R-17/187, 2017.


This report provides the results of an assessment to determine the decontamination efficacy of methyl bromide (MB) fumigant in inactivating Bacillus anthracis (B.a.; causative agent for anthrax) spores on materials typically found in subway system infrastructure. To facilitate future decontaminations employing MB in a subway environment, this investigation focused on finding efficacious conditions when using MB at temperatures that may be encountered in an underground subway system (i.e., temperatures lower than used in previous studies). Results from this study may be useful in the development of guidance to aid in deployment of MB fumigation after a release of B.a. spores within an underground transportation system. In addition, these results will provide decision makers with information for effective use of MB at temperatures lower than what has been previously tested, which will facilitate its use in subway systems as well as other applications at cold temperatures.



Record Details:

Product Published Date:08/31/2017
Record Last Revised:05/17/2018
OMB Category:Other
Record ID: 337457