Office of Research and Development Publications

A Needs-Driven, Multi-Objective Approach to Allocate Urban Ecosystem Services from 10,000 Trees


Almeter, A., A. Tashie, A. Proctor, T. McAlexander, D. Browning, C. Rudder, L. Jackson, AND R. Araujo. A Needs-Driven, Multi-Objective Approach to Allocate Urban Ecosystem Services from 10,000 Trees. Sustainability. MDPI, Basel, Switzerland, 10(12):4488, (2018).


To demonstrate a method to prioritize urban tree planting based on estimates of both ecosystem services provided and local need for those services, and the implementation of study recommendations by the target community.


Urban areas face challenges including vehicular emissions, stormwater runoff, and sedentary lifestyles. Communities recognize the value of trees in mitigating these challenges by absorbing pollution and enhancing walkability. However, siting trees to optimize multiple benefits requires a systems approach that may cross sectors of management and expertise. We present a spatially-explicit method to optimize tree planting in Durham, NC, a rapidly growing urban area with an aging tree stock. Using GIS data and a ranking approach, we explored how Durham could augment its current stock of willow oaks with 10,000 mid-sized deciduous trees. Census block groups (CBGs) were ranked for tree planting according to single and multiple objectives including stormwater reduction, emissions buffering, walkability, and protection of vulnerable populations. Prioritizing tree planting based on single objectives led to four sets of locations with limited geographic overlap. Prioritizing tree planting based on multiple objectives tended to favor historically disadvantaged CBGs. The four-objective strategy met the largest proportion of estimated regional need. Based on this analysis, the City of Durham has implemented a seven-year plan to plant 10,000 trees in priority neighborhoods. This analysis also found that any strategy which included the protection of vulnerable populations generated more benefits than others.

Record Details:

Product Published Date:11/29/2018
Record Last Revised:04/25/2019
OMB Category:Other
Record ID: 344855