Science Inventory

EPA input for book chapter on federal climate and health research


Balbus, J. EPA input for book chapter on federal climate and health research. Sherri W. Hunt, Alexander Laskin and Sergey A. Nizkorodov (ed.), Multiphase Environmental Chemistry in the Atmosphere. ACS Publications, Washington, DC, 1299:1-6, (2018).


John Balbus is revising a chapter on federal climate and health research and scientific activities in the book “Climate Change and Global Public Health,” edited by Pinkerton and Rom. He is also getting help from Cecilia Sorensen and Caitlin Rublee. (Cecilia just graduated as a climate and health science policy fellow from Univ Colorado and Caitlin just started as a fellow). The goal is to provide readers with an update on the research portfolio in the different agencies on climate change and public health along with disaster response or responses to weather extremes.


There is no abstract; information to be provided is a summary of that from current EPA websites and project materials with an emphasis on projects that are most relevant to this audience.

Record Details:

Product Published Date:11/01/2018
Record Last Revised:11/06/2019
OMB Category:Other
Record ID: 347285