Science Inventory

Project-Planning Practicality of HIAs: Examples from Rockford, IL Neighborhood Revitalization


Barzyk, T. Project-Planning Practicality of HIAs: Examples from Rockford, IL Neighborhood Revitalization. Meeting, Durham, NC, December 02 - 03, 2021.


This presentation discusses the application of Health Impact Assessment (HIA) to land revitalization planning in Rockford, IL, representing a collaboration between ORD, Region 5, and the City of Rockford. HIA was applied to assess health determinants and impacts related to neighborhood revitalization. HIA helps address cumulative impacts and environmental justice. This information is helpful for city planning and EPA OBLR brownfields grantees.


A Health Impact Assessment was conducted for the Southwest Main Corridor area of Rockford, IL in collaboration wiht City planning officials, EPA Region 5, EPA Office of Research and Development, and EPA Office of Brownfields and Land Revitalization. Results indicated that intervention strategies could be implemented to help maximize positive impacts and mitigate negative impacts of neighborhood revitalization by targeting solutions to the community, decision-makers, and other stakeholders. HIA results will be considered as Rockford moves forward with long term revitalization strategies.

Record Details:

Product Published Date:12/02/2021
Record Last Revised:12/04/2023
OMB Category:Other
Record ID: 359705