Science Inventory

EnviroAtlas: Connecting people, nature, health, and the economy


Neale, A. AND J. Daniel. EnviroAtlas: Connecting people, nature, health, and the economy. 303d National Training Workshop for States, Tribes, Territories, and EPA staff, RTP, NC, June 07 - 10, 2021.


We will be giving an invited presentation/training on EnviroAtlas for the annual 303(d) national training workshop for states, tribes, territories, and EPA staff. We will be presenting EnviroAtlas with an emphasis on how it can be used through the lens of environmental justice.  We are co-presenting with EJScreen. 


We will be giving an invited presentation/training on EnviroAtlas for the annual 303(d) national training workshop for states, tribes, territories, and EPA staff. We will be presenting EnviroAtlas with an emphasis on how it can be used through the lens of environmental justice.  We are co-presenting with EJScreen. 

Record Details:

Product Published Date:06/07/2021
Record Last Revised:11/07/2023
OMB Category:Other
Record ID: 359423