Science Inventory

Risk assessment teaching and training experience -India


Mudipalli, A., A. Hotchkiss, AND G. Woodall. Risk assessment teaching and training experience -India. Risk assessment teaching and training experience- India, Nagpur, Maharastra, INDIA, November 08 - 13, 2023.


RATE , Risk assessment teaching and training experience is very useful and impactful to both EPA and the international stakeholders in acquiring new knowledge to establish or refine their risk assessment goals and to help in implementation . Brings newer collaborations to EPA.


The purpose of these presentation materials is to initiate efforts to conduct a RATE training workshop in India  across several federal organizations covering a wide array of stake holders of interest and concern. RATE activity is core to the CPHEA and ORD. This training had been given  by CPHEA staff across the globe several times and is highly found impactful for both the parties ion bringing collaborative efforts and introduction of newer knowledge, methods and strategies for risk assessment implementation and policy decisions in host countries. 

Record Details:

Product Published Date:11/14/2023
Record Last Revised:02/08/2024
OMB Category:Other
Record ID: 360409