Science Inventory

Smoke Sense - Health Risk Communication Research


Rappold, A. Smoke Sense - Health Risk Communication Research. Wildfire Preparation Seminar-Virtual, Brazilia/ on line, Brazilia, BRAZIL, May 24, 2022.


Brazilian Ministry of Health’s General Secretary of Environmental Health Surveillance (Coordenação Geral de Vigilância em Saúde Ambiental - CGVAM) organized Inaugural Wildfire Preparation Seminar. This seminar will bring together researchers and public health decision makers to discuss strategies to prepare for the 2022 wildfire season in Brazil. Specifically, Dr. Rappold is invited to present at a plenary talk on Tuesday, May 24th from 9am to 10:30am local time (8am to 9:30 EST). This plenary event is titled Wildfire Risk Communication Strategies and will be moderated by CGVAM’s Coordinator, Thais Cavendish. For this plenary talk, organizers hope to include experiences from the United States, Canada and Australia regarding wildfire risk communication.    


Smoke Sense

Record Details:

Product Published Date:05/24/2022
Record Last Revised:05/26/2022
OMB Category:Other
Record ID: 354828