Science Inventory

Addendum SPECIATE Version 5.1 Database Development Documentation


Menetrez, M. AND M. Strum. Addendum SPECIATE Version 5.1 Database Development Documentation. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC, EPA/600/B-20/189, 2020.


SPECIATE is the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) repository of speciation profiles of air pollution sources that provide the species makeup or composition of organic gas, particulate matter (PM) and other pollutants emitted from these sources. Some of the many uses of these source profiles include: (1) creating speciated emissions inventories for regional haze, PM, greenhouse gas (GHG), and photochemical air quality modeling; (2) adding PM species in the EPA’s National Emissions Inventory (NEI); (3) developing black carbon assessments and particulate carbonaceous inventories; (4) estimating air toxic pollutant emissions from PM and organic gas primary emissions; (5) providing input to chemical mass balance (CMB) receptor models; and, (6) verifying profiles derived from ambient measurements by multivariate receptor models (e.g., factor analysis and positive matrix factorization).


EPA is releasing an updated version of the SPECIATE database, SPECIATE 5.1, about a year after the release of SPECIATE 5.0. In lieu of full documentation, this document provides highlights of the revisions to SPECIATE 5.0. Full documentation of the SPECIATE program can be found in the SPECIATE documentation section of EPA’s air emissions modeling website.

Record Details:

Product Published Date:07/09/2020
Record Last Revised:10/01/2020
OMB Category:Other
Record ID: 349290