Science Inventory

Repeat-dose toxicity prediction with Generalized Read-Across (GenRA) using targeted transcriptomic data: A proof-of-concept case study


Tate, T., J. Wambaugh, G. Patlewicz, AND I. Shah. Repeat-dose toxicity prediction with Generalized Read-Across (GenRA) using targeted transcriptomic data: A proof-of-concept case study. Computational Toxicology. Elsevier B.V., Amsterdam, Netherlands, 19:100171, (2021).


Investigating the feasibility of applying high content data, high throughput transcriptomic (HTTR) in conjunction with chemical structural features in a hybrid GenRA approach to make in vivo toxicity predictions.


Read-across is a data gap filling technique utilized to predict the toxicity of a target chemical using data from similar analogues. Recent efforts such as Generalized Read-Across (GenRA) facilitate automated read-across predictions for untested chemicals. GenRA makes predictions of toxicity outcomes based on “neighboring” chemicals characterized by chemical and bioactivity fingerprints. Here we investigated the impact of biological similarities on neighborhood formation and read-across performance in predicting hazard (based on repeat-dose testing outcomes from US EPA ToxRefDB v2.0). We used targeted transcriptomic data on 93 genes for 1,060 chemicals in HepaRG™ cells that measure nuclear receptor activation, xenobiotic metabolism, cellular stress, cell cycle progression, and apoptosis. Transcriptomic similarity between chemicals was calculated using binary hit-calls from concentration-response data for each gene. We evaluated GenRA performance in predicting ToxRefDB v2.0 hazard outcomes using the area under the Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve (AUC) for the baseline approach (chemical fingerprints) versus transcriptomic fingerprints and a combination of both (hybrid). For all endpoints, there were significant but only modest improvements in ROC AUC scores of 0.01 (2.1%) and 0.04 (7.3%) with transcriptomic and hybrid descriptors, respectively. However, for liver-specific toxicity endpoints, ROC AUC scores improved by 10% and 17% for transcriptomic and hybrid descriptors, respectively. Our findings suggest that using hybrid descriptors formed by combining chemical and targeted transcriptomic information can improve in vivo toxicity predictions in the right context.

Record Details:

Product Published Date:08/01/2021
Record Last Revised:03/27/2023
OMB Category:Other
Record ID: 357353