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Storm Surge Projection for Objective-based Risk Management for Climate Change Adaptation along the US Atlantic Coast
(JOURNAL) [Published : Jun 01, 2024]
Hurricane-driven storm surge causes coastal inundation and hydrologic changes, impacting coastal infrastructure and environmental assets. For future surge projections important to planning, uncertainties arise from inadequately quantified oceanic and climatic processes that contr...
Climate-Smart Design for Ecosystem Management: A Test Application for Coral Reefs
(JOURNAL) [Published : Oct 12, 2016]
The interactive and cumulative impacts of climate change on natural resources such as coral reefs present numerous challenges for conservation planning and management. Climate change adaptation is complex due to climate-stressor interactions across multiple spatial and temporal s...
Measuring the 3-30-300 Rule to Help Cities Meet Nature Access Thresholds
(JOURNAL) [Published : Jan 10, 2024]
The 3-30-300 rule offers benchmarks for cities to promote equitable nature access. It dictates that individuals should see three trees from their dwelling, have 30 % tree canopy in their neighborhood, and live within 300 m of a high-quality green space. Implementing this demands ...
Introduction to a special issue entitled Perspectives on Implementing Benefit-Cost Analysis in Climate Assessment
(JOURNAL) [Published : Apr 17, 2015]
Over the past half-century or more, economists have developed a robust literature on the theory and practice of benefit-cost analysis (BCA) as applied to diverse projects and policies. Recent years have seen a growing demand for practical applications of BCA to climate change pol...
Geographic Analysis of the Vulnerability of U.S. Lakes to Cyanobacterial Blooms under Future Climate
(JOURNAL) [Published : Jan 01, 2023]
Cyanobacteria blooms are an increasing concern in U.S. freshwaters. Such blooms can produce nuisance conditions, deplete oxygen, and alter the food chain, and in some cases they may produce potent toxins, although many factors may modulate the relationships between biomass and to...
Population genetic patterns across the native and invasive range of a widely distributed seagrass: Phylogeographic structure, invasive history and conservation implications
(JOURNAL) [Published : Mar 01, 2024]
Understanding the spatial and temporal distribution patterns of genetic diversity and the underlying phylogeographic processes is a fundamental goal of conservation biogeography. The seagrass Zostera japonica is a widely threatened endemic seagrass species in the Northwestern Pac...
Recent Advancement in Mangrove Forests Mapping and Monitoring of the World Using Earth Observation Satellite Data
(JOURNAL) [Published : Feb 05, 2021]
Mangrove forests are distributed in the tropical and subtropical regions of the world largely con-fined within ± 10 degrees latitude. The forests provide important ecosystem goods and services to nature and society. In recent years, the carbon sequestration potential and p...
How resilience is framed matters for governance of coastal social-ecological systems
(JOURNAL) [Published : Feb 01, 2024]
  Effective governance of social-ecological systems (SES) is an enduring challenge, especially in coastal environments where accelerating impacts of climate change are increasing pressure on already stressed systems. While resilience is often proposed as a suitable f...
To Burn or Not to Burn: Governance of wildfires in Australia
(JOURNAL) [Published : Jan 01, 2024]
Globally, wildfires are increasing in extent, frequency, and severity. Although global climate change is a major driver and large-scale governance interventions are essential, focusing on governance at smaller scales is of great importance for fostering resilience to wildfires. I...
Assessing community vulnerability to extreme events in the presence of contaminated sites and waste management facilities: An indicator approach
(JOURNAL) [Published : Jan 22, 2024]
Communities across the United States are enduring, often unexpectedly, the effects of extreme events, such as excessive heat, prolonged droughts, extreme floods, and wildfires. In places where contaminated sites and waste management facilities are also present, communities must c...
Hazardous and contaminated sites within salt marsh migration corridors in Rhode Island, USA.
(JOURNAL) [Published : Apr 01, 2023]
As salt marshes attempt to migrate upland due to sea level rise, they will encounter many kinds of land development and infrastructure in highly populated, urbanized coastal communities. Hazardous and contaminated sites (HCSs) -- facilities and infrastructure that store...
Spatial Analysis of Future Climate Risk to Stormwater Infrastructure
(JOURNAL) [Published : May 08, 2023]
Climate change is expected to result in more intense precipitation events that will affect the performance and design requirements of stormwater infrastructure.  Such changes will vary spatially, and climate models provide a range of estimates of the effects on events of dif...
Influence of Mild Chronic Stress and Social Isolation on Acute Ozone-Induced Alterations in Stress Biomarkers and Brain-Region-Specific Gene Expression in Male Wistar–Kyoto Rats
(JOURNAL) [Published : Nov 03, 2023]
Abstract: Individuals with psychosocial stress often experience an exaggerated response to air pollutants. Ozone (O3 ) exposure has been associated with the activation of the neuroendocrine stress-response system. We hypothesized that preexistent mild chronic stress plus social i...
Achievements and Gaps in Projection Studies on Temperature-Attributable Health Burden: Where should we be headed?
(JOURNAL) [Published : Dec 16, 2022]
Future projection of the temperature-related health burden, including mortality and hospital admissions, is a growing field of research. These studies aim to provide crucial information for decision-makers considering existing health policies as well as integrating targeted adapt...
Closing the gap between science and management of cold-water refuges in rivers and streams
(JOURNAL) [Published : Oct 01, 2023]
Human activities and climate change threaten coldwater organisms in freshwater ecosystems by causing rivers and streams to warm, increasing the intensity and frequency of warm temperature events, and reducing thermal heterogeneity. Cold-water refuges are discrete patches of relat...
Global change scenarios in coastal deltas and their sustainable development implications
(JOURNAL) [Published : Sep 01, 2023]
Deltas play a critical role in the ambition to achieve global sustainable development given their relatively large shares in population and productive croplands, as well as their precarious low-lying position between upstream river basin development and rising seas. The large pre...
A temperature binning approach for multi-sector climate impact analysis
(JOURNAL) [Published : Mar 19, 2021]
Characterizing the future risks of climate change is a key goal of climate impacts analysis. Temperature binning provides a framework for analyzing sector-specific impacts by degree of warming as an alternative or complement to traditional scenario-based approaches in order to im...
Rethinking the Design of Resilience and Adaptation Indicators Supporting Coastal Communities
(JOURNAL) [Published : Sep 28, 2021]
As resilience and adaptation considerations become mainstreamed into public policy, there is an overarching desire to generate measure and quantify metrics and indicators that seek to evaluate the efficiency, effectiveness, and justness associated with outcomes derived from such ...
Projecting U.S. forest management, market, and carbon sequestration responses to a high-impact climate scenario manuscript
(JOURNAL) [Published : Dec 28, 2022]
The impact of climate change on forest ecosystems remains uncertain, with wide variation in potential impacts across different radiative forcing scenarios and global circulation models, as well as potential variation across forest tree species and regions. This study uses an empi...
Open SESAME: a social-ecological systems framework for collaborative adaptive management and engagement in coastal restoration and climate adaptation.
(JOURNAL) [Published : Dec 01, 2022]
The successful implementation and sustainability of many marsh restoration efforts, including coastal adaptation to buffer inundation and mitigate sea level rise, often hinges upon support from surrounding human communities. Yet, stakeholder engagement in these projects remains r...
Connecting Future Environmental Trends and Assessments of Fish and Wildlife Resources of Concern: A Case Study of Big Pine Key, Florida
(JOURNAL) [Published : Nov 05, 2022]
Changes in hydrologic and climatic trends will influence the ecology of Florida, including the Florida Keys, and sea-level rise scenarios agree that many areas of Florida are susceptible to sea-level rise impacts. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s Climate Change Strategi...
Laying it on thick: Ecosystem effects of sediment placement on a microtidal Rhode Island salt marsh
(JOURNAL) [Published : Sep 06, 2022]
Heightened recognition of impacts to coastal salt marshes from sea-level rise has led to expanding interest in using thin-layer sediment placement (TLP) as an adaptation tool to enhance future marsh resilience. Building on successes and lessons learned from the Gulf and southeast...
Runnels mitigate marsh drowning in microtidal salt marshes
(JOURNAL) [Published : Nov 03, 2022]
As a symptom of accelerated sea level rise and historic impacts to tidal hydrology from agricultural and mosquito control activities, coastal marshes in the Northeastern U.S. are experiencing conversion to open water through edge loss, widening and headward erosion of tidal chann...
Mere nuisance or growing threat? The physical and economic risks of high tide flooding on US road networks
(JOURNAL) [Published : Dec 01, 2020]
Coastal infrastructure has increasingly become more vulnerable to flooding. While many studies have shown that extreme events such as storm surge threaten to be ever more costly, less damaging but more frequent flood events remain understudied but potentially carry a comparable l...
The effects of climate change on outdoor recreation participation: National projections for the 21st century
In this paper, we examine how climate change will impact outdoor recreation in the continental United States using data on time allocation from the American Time Use Survey (ATUS). We apply a partially non-parametric regression approach to document how weather historically affect...