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Homeland Security Research Products in the Science Inventory

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  • Organization = [ORD-NHSRC]
  • Keyword = 'water security' AND 'detection'.
Records 1 to 25 of 216

Development of a Rapid Viability Polymerase Chain Reaction Method for Detection of Yersinia pestis in Water
(JOURNAL) [Published : May 13, 2019]
Due to the occurrence of natural plague outbreaks and its historical usage as a biological weapon, Yersinia pestis is considered one of the high-priority biological threat agents. It can remain viable in certain environments including water for more than 100 days. The Rapid Viabi...
Future of Water Distribution Modeling and Data Analytics Tools
(PUBLISHED REPORT) [Published : Oct 01, 2019]
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is responsible for helping communities prepare for and recover from disasters that result in threats to public health and the environment. EPA’s National Homeland Security Research Center’s (NHSRC) mission is to focus on the research...
The Use of Hollow Fiber Dialysis Filters Operated in Axial Flow Mode for Recovery of Microorganisms in Large Volume Water Samples with High Loadings of Particulate Matter
(JOURNAL) [Published : Apr 05, 2019]
The objective of this study was to evaluate axial flow hollow fiber ultrafiltration (HFUF) in the recovery of target organisms in large volumes of turbid water that would be similar to water encountered in the cleanup of a biologically contaminated area such as the B. anthracis c...
Tools to Expedite an Urban Radiological Recovery Effort
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Sep 24, 2019]
Presentation; The study was devised to connect emergency management and homeland security offices at the city, state, and federal agencies and discuss the availability and potential response capabilities of equipment reserves.
Development of a Rapid Viability-PCR Method for Detection of Francisella tularensis in Water Samples
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : May 10, 2018]
Slide Presentation -Francisella tularensis is a Category One select agent and causes Tularemia infection. It can survive for a long time in water. The RV-PCR method will help rapid detection during an intentional (bioterrorism) or accidental contamination of drinking water system...
Direct aqueous injection of the fluoroacetate anion in potable water for analysis by liquid chromatography tandem mass-spectrometry
(JOURNAL) [Published : Oct 29, 2018]
Journal Article describes the analysis of sodium fluoroacetate by liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry. Four different drinking waters contaminated with the target analyte were evaluated.
A Novel Broth Medium for Enhanced Growth of Francisella Tularensis
(JOURNAL) [Published : Feb 23, 2017]
Journal article
Analytical Protocol for VX Using Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry (GC/MS)
(PUBLISHED REPORT) [Published : Sep 20, 2017]
CANARY Eases Water Quality Event Detection
(JOURNAL) [Published : Apr 01, 2017]
CANARY is a free EPA software product used to enhance the detection of contamination incidents in distribution systems (i.e. Event Detection System) using typical water quality sensors such as those measuring free chlorine, total organic carbon, and electrical conductivity. Worki...
EPA's Water Security Test Bed
(SUMMARY) [Published : Apr 18, 2017]
Technical Brief
Rapid Radiochemical Method Americium-241 (241Am) in Water Samples
(SUMMARY) [Published : Jun 15, 2017]
Communications Fact Sheet
Rapid Radiochemical Method Californium-252 (252Cf) in Water Samples
(SUMMARY) [Published : Jun 15, 2017]
Comminications Fact Sheet
Rapid Radiochemical Method Curium-244 (244Cm) in Water Samples
(SUMMARY) [Published : Jun 15, 2017]
Communications Fact Sheet
Rapid Radiochemical Method Isotopic Uranium (238U, 235U, or 234U) in Water Samples
(SUMMARY) [Published : Jun 15, 2017]
Communications Fact Sheet
Rapid Radiochemical Method Phosphorus-32 (32P) in Water Samples
(SUMMARY) [Published : Jun 15, 2017]
Communications Fact Sheet
Rapid Radiochemical Method Plutonium-238 (238Pu) and 239Pu in Water Samples
(SUMMARY) [Published : Jun 15, 2017]
Communications Fact Sheet
Rapid Radiochemical Method Radium-226 (226Ra) in Water Samples
(SUMMARY) [Published : Jun 15, 2017]
Communications Fact Sheet
Rapid Radiochemical Method Strontium-90 (90Sr) in Water Samples
(SUMMARY) [Published : Jun 15, 2017]
Communications Fact Sheet
Threat Ensemble Vulnerability Assessment – Sensor Placement Optimization Tool (TEVA-SPOT) Graphical User Interface User’s Manual
(PUBLISHED REPORT) [Published : Nov 16, 2017]
This report provides an updated User’s Manual for the Threat Ensemble Vulnerability Assessment – Sensor Placement Optimization Tool (TEVA-SPOT), graphical user interface (GUI) software program. The TEVA-SPOT software tool quantifies consequences from an array of contaminant-rele...