Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Water Underground Maryland)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Appraisal of the ground-water resources of the Lower Susquehanna River Basin : an interim report 1965
Aqueous geochemistry of the Magothy aquifer, Maryland / 1988
Availability of fresh ground water in northeastern Worcester County, Maryland, with special emphasis on the Ocean City area 1974
Availability of ground water in Charles County, Maryland, 1968
Availability of ground water in western Montgomery County, Maryland 1981
Bel Air quadrangle, hydrogeology 1977
Bowie quadrangle, geologic and environmental atlas 1973
Carroll County ground-water information : well records, spring records, and chemical-quality data / 1981
Columbia aquifer of the Eastern Shore of Maryland 1984
Digital simulation and prediction of water levels in the Magothy aquifer in southern Maryland 1977
Evaluation of SCM-Adrian Joyce Works, Baltimore, Maryland. 1988
Evaluation of the ground-water resources of the lower Susquehanna River basin, Pennsylvania and Maryland / 1988
Evaluation of the water-supply potential of aquifers in the Potomac Group of Anne Arundel County, Maryland 1986
Garrett County water-well records, chemical-quality data, ground-water use, coal test-hole data, and surface-water data 1980
Geohydrology of the fresh-water aquifer system in the vicinity of Ocean City, Maryland, with a section on simulated water-level changes 1982
Geology and water resources of Garrett County: Geology of Garrett County, 1954
Geology and water resources of Prince Georges County : Sedimentary deposits / 1952
Ground water in Prince Georges County, 1966
Ground water in the Piedmont upland of central Maryland / 1982
Ground-water and surface-water data for Frederick County, Maryland 1985
Ground-water resources of Harford County, Maryland 1977
Ground-water resources of the southern Maryland coastal plain, 1955
Ground-water supplies for industrial and urban development in Anne Arundel County with a section on the chemical character of the water 1962
Ground-water, surface-water, and bottom-sediment contamination in the O-Field area, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland, and the possible effects of selected remedial actions on ground water 1989
Harford County ground-water information : well records, chemical quality data, and pumpage / 1975
Hydrogeologic atlas, Ellicott City quadrangle, Baltimore and Howard Counties, Maryland 1983
Hydrogeologic atlas, Finksburg quadrangle, Carroll County, Maryland 1981
Hydrogeologic atlas, Hereford quadrangle, Baltimore County, Maryland 1981
Hydrogeologic atlas, Lineboro quadrangle, Baltimore and Carroll counties, Maryland 1981
Hydrogeologic atlas, Manchester quadrangle, Carroll County, Maryland 1981
Hydrogeologic atlas, New Freedom quadrangle, Baltimore County, Maryland 1983
Hydrogeologic atlas, New Windsor quadrangle, Carroll County, Maryland 1980
Hydrogeologic atlas, Norrisville quadragle {i.e., quadrangle}, Baltimore and Harford Counties, Maryland 1983
Hydrogeologic atlas, Phoenix quadrangle, Baltimore and Harford Counties, Maryland 1983
Hydrogeologic atlas, Reisterstown quadrangle, Baltimore County, Maryland 1983
Hydrogeologic atlas, Taneytown and Emmitsburg quadrangle, Carroll County, Maryland 1981
Hydrogeologic atlas, Union Bridge and Woodsboro quadrangles, Carroll County, Maryland 1981
Hydrogeologic atlas, Winfield quadrangle, Carroll County, Maryland 1980
Hydrogeologic atlas. Westminster quadrangle, Carroll County, Maryland / 1979
Hydrogeologic data for the Canal Creek area, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland, April 1986-March 1988 1989
Hydrogeologic data from the Janes Island State Park test well (1,514 feet), Somerset County, Marylan 1967
Hydrogeology of the Canal Creek area, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland 1989
Hydrogeology of the carbonate rocks, Frederick and Hagerstown Valleys, Maryland, 1973
Hydrogeology of the formation and neutralization of acid waters draining from underground coal mines of western Maryland 1973
Hydrogeology of the Triassic rocks of Maryland 1975
Hydrogeology of the Washington, D.C., area (Virginia, Maryland, District of Columbia) : Reston, Virginia to Prince Frederick, Maryland, July 14, 1989 / 1989
Hydrogeology, digital simulation, and geochemistry of the Aquia and Piney Point-Nanjemoy aquifer system in southern Maryland 1983
Hydrogeology, digital solute-transport simulation, and geochemistry of the Lower Cretaceous aquifer system near Baltimore, Maryland 1985
Hydrologic and mining data from an area of underground coal mining in Garrett County, Maryland 1988
Hydrologic budget of the Beaverdam Creek Basin, Maryland 1959
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