Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 13
Showing: Items 1 - 13
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Vietnam War 1961 1975)

Select Item Title Year Published
An Epidemiologic investigation of health effects in Air Force personnel following exposure to herbicides : 1995 followup examination results / 1995
Council of war : a history of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, 1942-1991 / 2012
Dioxins and dibenzofurans in adipose tissue of U.S. Vietnam veterans and controls / 1990
Disposition of the Air Force Health Study / 2006
Ecology of devastation : Indochina / 1971
Harvest of death : chemical warfare in Vietnam and Cambodia / 1971
Review of literature on herbicides, including phenoxy herbicides and associated dioxins / 1981
Synopsis of scientific literature on phenoxy herbicides and associated dioxins. 1985
Veterans and agent orange : update 2000 / 2001
Veterans and agent orange : update 2002 / 2003
Veterans and Agent Orange : update 2006 / 2007
Veterans and agent orange. Length of presumptive period for association between exposure and respiratory cancer / 2004
Waiting for an army to die : the tragedy of Agent Orange / 1983

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