Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 15
Showing: Items 1 - 15
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Umweltverträglichkeit DE 588 4061655 1)

Select Item Title Year Published
America's most sustainable cities and regions : surviving the 21st century megatrends / 2016
Biodiversity, conservation, and sustainable development : principles and practices with Asian examples / 1999
Cities in our future : growth and form, environmental health and social equity / 1997
Creeping environmental problems and sustainable development in the Aral Sea basin / 1999
Energy : science, policy, and the pursuit of sustainability / 2002
Energy revolution : policies for a sustainable future / 2003
Environmental models : emissions and consequences : Ris² international conference, 22-25 May 1989 / 1990
Flashpoints in environmental policymaking : controversies in achieving sustainability / 1997
Green chemistry : theory and practice / 2000
Greening the corporation : management strategy and the environmental challenge / 2001
Plan B 3.0 : mobilizing to save civilization / 2008
Sustainable agriculture research and education in the field : a proceedings / 1991
The drama of the commons / 2002
The making of green knowledge : environmental politics and cultural transformation / 2001
Women, the environment and sustainable development : towards a theoretical synthesis / 1994

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