Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 37
Showing: Items 1 - 37
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Garfield County)

Select Item Title Year Published
1:100 000-scale metric topographic map of Beaver, Utah / 1981
1:100 000-scale metric topographic map of Escalante, Utah / 1980
1:100 000-scale metric topographic map of Hite Crossing, Utah / 1980
1:100 000-scale metric topographic map of Loa, Utah / 1980
1:100 000-scale metric topographic map of Panguitch, Utah / 1981
Baylor Park Blowdown Draft Environmental Impact Statement, White River National Forest 2000
Baylor Park Blowdown; Final Environmental Impact Statement 2001
Draft Environmental Impact Statement Getty and Cities Service Shale Oil Projects 1984
Draft Environmental Impact Statement Yankee Gulch Sodium Minerals Project American Soda, L.L.P. 1999
Final Environmental Impact Statement for the Pacer Timber Sale (including Record of Decision) 1994
Final Environmental Impact Statement Getty and Cities Service Shale Oil Projects 1984
Final Environmental Impact Statement Grand Mesa Uncompahgre and Gunnison National Forests Volume 1 Summary Chapters I-V 1983
Grand Mesa, Uncompahgre and Gunnison National Forests Oil and Gas Leasing Final Environmental Impact Statement Record of Decision 1993
Land and Resource Management Plan - 2002 Revision 2002
Lower Musselshell Project Montana, Water Quality Control Study 1966
Oil and Gas Leasing Final Environmental Impact Statement Routt National Forest 1993
Regional Director's report of January 1951 on Silt Project, Colorado : a supplement to the Colorado River Storage Project Report. 1951
Remedial actions at the former Union Carbide Corporation uranium mill sites, Rifle, Garfield County, Colorado : draft environmental impact statement. 1987
Report of reappraisal of direct agricultural benefits and project impacts, Silt Project, Colorado, Colorado River Storage Project 1961
Report on Lake Powell, Coconino County, Arizona ; Garfield, Kane, and San Juan Counties, Utah : EPA Region VIII and IX / 1977
Report on Lower Bowns Reservoir, Garfield County, Utah : EPA Region VIII / 1977
Report on Lower Granite Reservoir, Garfield and Whitman Counties, Washington : EPA region X / 1977
Report on Panguitch Lake, Garfield County, Utah : EPA Region VIII / 1977
Report on Tropic Reservoir, Garfield County, Utah : EPA Region VIII / 1977
Salinity Control Project Proposal for Dotsero and Glenwood Springs, Eagle and Garfield Counties, Colorado. 1970
Soil survey of Garfield County area, Washington 1974
Soil survey, Garfield County, Oklahoma 1967
Southern Utah Petition Evaluation Document, Draft 522 SMCRA Evaluation and Environmental Statement 1980
Stratigraphy of the San Rafael Group, southwest and south central Utah, 1970
Study of Potential Needs and Value of Water for the Purpose of Water Quality Control of the Lower Musselshell Project, Montana. 1966
Surficial geology and geologic hazards of the Douglas Pass- Baxter Pass region, Rio Blanco and Garfield counties, Colorado / 1992
Survey of critical biological resources of Garfield County, Colorado. Volume II: Survey of critical wetlands and riparian areas in Garfield County. / 2001
Water Quality Data Base Update White and Colorado River Basins, Main Report and Appendix A 1977
Water Quality Data, Colorado River Basin, Appendix C 1977
Water Quality Data, White River Basin, Appendix B 1977
Water Quality Evaluation of the Bluestone Project, Colorado. 1969
Water Quality Profiles, White River Basin, Appendix D 1977

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