Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 38
Showing: Items 1 - 38
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Estuarine ecology Washington State)

Select Item Title Year Published
A marine and estuarine habitat classification system for Washington State / 1990
A tidewater place : portrait of the Willapa ecosystem / 1993
Aquatic habitat restoration : a technical approach to site identification / 1994
Definition of the origins and fates of organic nitrogen in food webs of Padilla Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve / 1990
Ecological effects of the introduced cordgrass, Spartina alterniflora, on the benthic community structure of Willapa Bay, Washington / 1996
Effect of exposure to environmental normoxia and hypoxia on photoshynthetic rate and chlorophyll concentration in intertidal Zostera marina leaves 1995
Effects of application of glyphosate during summer on epiphytes of the eelgrasses Zostera marina and Zostera japonica in Padilla Bay, Washington 1994
Elliott bay action program : 1988 action plan. Puget sound estuary program / 1988
Elliott bay action program : the relationship between source control and recovery of contaminated sediments in two problem areas / 1988
Estuarine habitat assessment protocol / 1991
Estuarine habitat assessment supplements / 1989
Mitigation and restoration plan for the Columbia River Estuary / 1987
Nutrients and phytoplankton in Puget Sound 1991
Recommended guidelines for conducting laboratory bioassays on Puget Sound sediments 1995
Recommended guidelines for measuring conventional marine water-column variables in Puget Sound 1991
Recommended guidelines for measuring metals in Puget Sound marine water, sediment and tissue samples 1997
Recommended guidelines for measuring organic compounds in Puget Sound water, sediment and tissue samples 1997
Recommended guidelines for sampling marine mammal tissue for chemical analyses in Puget Sound 1994
Recommended guidelines for sampling marine sediment, water column, and tissue in Puget Sound 1997
Recommended guidelines for sampling soft-bottom demersal fishes by beach seine and trawl in Puget Sound 1990
Recommended guidelines for station positioning in Puget Sound 1998
Recommended protocols for fish pathology studies in Puget Sound 1987
Recommended protocols for measuring conventional sediment variables in Puget Sound 1986
Recommended protocols for measuring conventional water quality variables and metals in fresh water of the Puget Sound region 1987
Recommended protocols for measuring selected environmental variables in Puget Sound 1987
Recommended protocols for measuring selected environmental variables in Puget Sound 1987
Recommended protocols for microbiological studies in Puget Sound 1986
Recommended protocols for sampling and analyzing subtidal benthic macroinvertebrate assemblages in Puget Sound 1987
Recommended quality assurance and quality control guidelines for the collection of environmental data in Puget Sound 1997
Reference area performance standards for Puget Sound final report / 1991
Restoration potential of diked estuarine wetlands : inferring fate and recovery rate of historically-breached sites / 1996
Restoration potential of diked estuarine wetlands in Washington and Oregon. Phase I : Inventory of candidate sites / 1988
Sensitivity of habitats in Padilla Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve to oil spills / 1991
Study of the Pacific oyster and estuarine environment in North Bay of Grays Harbor, Februrary 1963 to December 1968 summary report 1969
Temporal patterns of grazers and vegetation in a temperate seagrass system 1991
Temporal pattern[s] of grazers and vegetation in a temperate seagrass system / 1992
Temporal, diel, and vertical distribution variation of epiphyte grazers in a temperate eelgrass (Zostera marina L.) system 1994
Willapa Bay : a historical perspective and a rationale for research / 1981

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