Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 12
Showing: Items 1 - 12
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Estuaries Management)

Select Item Title Year Published
Bibliography for an estuarine management program 1985
Bibliography for an estuarine management program. 1985
Climate change and estuaries / 2024
Coastal and estuarine management / 1997
Estuary management in the Pacific Northwest : an overview of programs and activities in Washington, Oregon, and Northern California / 2003
Implementing the biological condition gradient framework for management of estuaries and coasts / 2017
Priority management areas and problems in the Delaware estuary, a survey and evaluation. 1973
Saving bays and estuaries : a handbook of tactics / 1988
Saving bays and estuaries : a primer for establishing and managing estuary projects / 1989
Simplified mathematical modeling of water quality / 1971
The National Estuary Program : final guidance on the contents of a governor's nomination / 1990
Toward a watershed approach : a framework for aquatic ecosystem restoration, protection, and management. 1994

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