Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 10
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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Complex Terrain Dispersion model)

Select Item Title Year Published
Advanced screening model for complex terrain applications. / 1991
CTDMPLUS: A Dispersion Model for Sources Near Complex Topography. Part 1. Technical Formulations. 1992
CTDMPLUS: A Dispersion Model for Sources Near Complex Topography. Part 2. Performance Characteristics. 1992
EPA complex terrain model development : fifth milestone report--1985 / 1986
EPA complex terrain model development : fourth milestone report--1984 / 1985
Evaluation of the Complex Terrain Dispersion Model against Laboratory Observations: Neutral Flow over 2-D and 3-D Hills. 1987
Evaluation of the EPA Complex Terrain Dispersion Model (CTDMPLUS) with the Lovett Power Plant Data Base. 1991
User's guide to CTDMPLUS: the screening mode (CTSCREEN) / 1991
User's guide to the Complex Terrain Dispersion Model Plus Algorithms for Unstable Situations (CTDMPLUS) 1989
User's guide to the Complex Terrain Dispersion Model plus algorithms for unstable situations (CTDMPLUS) : volume 1, Model description and user instructions / 1989

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