Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 1455
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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Air pollution control equipment)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A compilation of opacity monitor performance audit results / 1983
A guide for determining compliance with the Clean Air Act standards for radionuclide emissions from NRC-licensed and non-DOE federal facilities. 1989
A manual for the use of electrostatic precipitators to collect fly ash particles / 1980
A manual for the use of electrostatic precipitators to collect fly ash particles / 1980
A mathematical model of electrostatic precipitation / 1978
A mathematical model of electrostatic precipitation / 1975
A mathematical model of electrostatic precipitation / 1980
A profile of existing hazardous waste incineration facilities and manufacturers in the United States / 1984
A report on the emission performance of the Army sponsored Ford stratified charge engine / 1971
A report on the exhaust emissions from a turbocharged Volkswagen / 1971
A report on the exhaust emissions of an Army M-151 1/4 ton truck using an exhaust catalyst / 1970
A review of control strategies for in-use vehicles / 1974
A Study of emissions from twenty high mileage 1980 model year passenger cars equipped with the GM 350 CID diesel engine / 1983
A technique for calculating overall efficiencies of particulate control devices / 1973
A.P.S. electro-tube evaluation / 1976
A.P.S. electrostatic scrubber evaluation / 1976
Abatement of Particulate Emissions from Stationary Sources. 1972
Abatement of Sulfur Oxide Emissions from Stationary Combustion Sources. 1970
Absorption of sulfur dioxide in spray column and turbulent contacting absorbers / 1975
Acid Deposition Strategies, the LIMB (Limestone Injection/Multistage Burners) Program and Implications for Control Technology Requirements. 1985
Activation and Reactivity of Novel Calcium-Based Sorbents for Dry SO2 Control in Boilers. 1988
Additive Injection for Sulfur Dioxide Control. A Pilot Plant Study. 1970
Adipic Acid Enhanced Flue Gas Desulfurization Process for Industrial Boilers. Volume 1. Field Test Results. 1982
Adipic Acid Enhanced Flue Gas Desulfurization Process for Industrial Boilers. Volume 2. Technical Assessment. 1982
Adipic Acid-Enhanced Lime and Limestone Testing at the EPA Alkali Scrubbing Test Facility. Volume 1. 1982
Adipic Acid-Enhanced Lime and Limestone Testing at the EPA Alkali Scrubbing Test Facility. Volume 2: Appendices. 1982
Adipic acid-enhanced lime/limestone test results at the EPA alkali scrubbing test facility : capsule report. 1982
Advanced automotive power system structured value analysis model. 1971
Advanced concepts, SO2 removal process improvements / 1978
Advanced concepts, SO2 removal process improvements / 1978
Advanced Electrostatic Collection Concepts. 1977
Advanced Electrostatic Enhancement of Fabric Filtration. 1985
Advanced Electrostatic Stimulation of Fabric Filtration: Performance and Economics (Journal Article). 1988
Advanced Electrostatic Stimulation of Fabric Filtration: Performance and Economics. 1987
Advances in Fine Particle Control Technology. 1996
Afterburner Systems Study. 1972
AICE Survey of USSR Air Pollution Literature. Volume XVI. Some Basic Properties of Ash and Industrial Dust in Relation to the Problem of Purification of Stack Gases. 1972
Air Cleaner Technologies for Indoor Air Pollution. 1988
Air cleaners and indoor air quality. / 1988
Air Cleaning for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality. 1995
Air Conservation. Volume 10, Number 3(53), 1976. 1977
Air Conservation. Volume 8, Number 2(40), 1974. 1975
Air Conservation. Volume 9, Number 4(48) 1975. 1976
Air Filter Particle-Size Efficiency Testing for Diameters Greater Than 1 mu m. 1988
Air pollution aspects of chlorine gas / 1969
Air pollution aspects of emission sources : coke ovens : a bibliography with abstracts. 1974
Air pollution aspects of emission sources : ferrous foundries : a bibliography with abstracts / 1974
Air pollution aspects of emission sources : surface coatings, their production and use ; a bibliography with abstracts / 1974
Air pollution aspects of emission sources: cement manufacturing - a bibliography with abstracts. 1971
Air pollution aspects of emission sources: ferrous foundry a bibliography with abstracts. 1974
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