Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
202 questions for the endangered coastal zone. 1970
A Guide to the safe handling of hazardous materials accidents. 1983
A list of common and scientific names of fishes from the United States and Canada / 1970
A metric America : a decision whose time has come / 1971
A Symposium on diseases of fishes and shellfishes. 1970
A symposium on estuarine fisheries, presented at the 94th annual meeting, Atlantic City, N.J., Sept. 1964. 1966
Advanced composite materials--environmental effects : a symposium 1978
Agriculture's role in environmental quality; proceedings of the first Allerton conference, December, 1970. 1971
Air pollution measurement techniques 1977
Algal bowl : lakes and man / 1974
ASTM manual on presentation of data and control chart analysis 1976
ASTM manual on quality control of materials: Part 1-Presentation of Data. Part 2-Presenting « Limits of Uncertainty of an Observed Average. Part 3-Control Chart Method of Analysis and Presentation of Data 1951
Availability of federally owned minerals for exploration and development in western states : Arizona, 1986 1987
Basic principles of sensory evaluation. 1968
Bibliography on flame spectroscopy : analytical applications 1800-1966 / 1967
Building air change rate and infiltration measurements : a symposium 1980
Calibration in air monitoring : a symposium presented at the University of Colorado at Boulder, Colo., 5-7 Aug. 1975 / 1976
California geology magazine index, 1948-1986 1987
Catalog of thesis and dissertations granted by the University of Oklahoma in geology, geophysics, and selected titles from geological and petroleum engineering, 1904-1986 1988
Chemical kinetic data needs for modeling the lower troposphere : proceedings of a workshop held at Reston, Virginia, May 15-17, 1978 / 1979
Chemicals in the oil industry : the proceedings of a symposium organised by the North West Region of the Industrial Division of the Royal Society of Chemistry, University of Manchester, 22nd-23rd March 1983 1983
Colorimetry 1972
Common names of insects and related organisms 1978
Community noise : a symposium sponsored by ASTM Committee E33 on Environmental Acoustics, American Society for Testing and Materials, Kansas City, Mo., 24-26 May 1978. 1979
Community toxicity testing : a symposium / 1986
Compilation of gas chromatographic data. 1963
Computation of dissolved gas concentrations in water as functions of temperature, salinity, and pressure 1984
Corn yield responses to zinc and magnesium on soils excessive in phosphorus and potassium 1983
Correlation of subjective-objective methods in the study of odors and taste. 1968
Corrosion in natural environments : three symposia presented at the seventy-sixth annual meeting American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, Pa. 24-29 June 1973. 1974
Determination of the shear stability of non-Newtonian liquids, prepared by Neal D. Lawson for Committee D-2 on Petroleum Products and Lubricants, Research Division VII on Flow Properties, Section B on Viscosity Methods--non-Newtonian Liquids. 1955
Dispersive clays, related piping, and erosion in geotechnical projects : a symposium presented at the seventy-ninth annual meeting, American Society for Testing and Materials, Chicago, Ill., 27-June-2 July 1976 1977
Dynamic geotechnical testing : a symposium / 1978
Environmental effects of utilising more coal : the proceedings of a conference organised by the Council for Environmental Science and Engineering, Royal Geographical Society, London, 11th and 12th December 1979 1980
Estuarine response to nutrient enrichment, a counterpart of eutrophication : a bibliography / 1979
Estuarine response to nutrient enrichment, a counterpart of Eutrophication : an annotated bibliography / 1979
Expected earthquake ground-motion parameters at the Arcadia, Oklahoma, dam site 1985
Field soil water regime; proceedings of a symposium. 1973
Flameless atomic absorption analysis : an update : a symposium presented at the seventy-eighth annual meeting, American Society for Testing and Materials, Montreal, Canada, 22-27 June, 1975. 1977
Genera of the Homobasidiomycetes, exclusive of the Gasteromycetes. 1953
Geothermal resources of Colorado 1972
Glossary of oceanographic terms / 1966
Governor's Conference on Environmental Geology. 1969
Great environmental debate and the power industry. 1971
Guide to the manuscript collections in the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 1963
Guidebook to the geology and ecology of some marine and terrestrial environments, St. Croix, U. S. Virgin Islands 1974
Guidelines and criteria for identification and land-use controls of geologic hazard and mineral resource areas 1974
Handbook of vapor degreasing / 1976
Herbicides and fungicides : factors affecting their activity : proceedings of a symposium arranged jointly by the Fine Chemicals and Medicinals Group of the Industrial Division, the Chemical Society and the Pesticides Group of the Society of Chemical Industry, Bangor, Wales, 15-17 September, 1976 1977
Hydrocarbon analysis a symposium presented at the meeting of Committee D-2 on Petroleum Products and Lubricants of the American Society for Testing and Materials, Houston, Tex., Jan. 22-23, 1965. 1965
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