Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 16
Showing: Items 1 - 16
Your Search: (AUTHOR=Completion AND report AND series)

Select Item Title Year Published
Achieving urban water conservation : a handbook 1977
Achieving urban water conservation : testing community acceptance 1977
Analysis of Colorado precipitation : completion report 1975
Bacterial movement through fractured bedrock : a subproject of system for geologic evaluation of pollution potential at mountain dwelling sites / 1972
Computer estimates of natural recharge from soil moisture data, high plains of Colorado : completion report, OWRT project no. A-016 COLO 1975
Economic analysis of water use in Colorado's economy : completion report, OWRT project no. B-059-COLO 1975
Economic benefits from instream flow in a Colorado mountain stream / 1979
Evaluation of urban water management policies in the Denver metropolitan area, 1973
Feasibility and potential of enhancing water recreation opportunities on high country reservoirs 1975
Geohydraulics at the unconformity between bedrock and alluvial aquifers, 1972
Improvements in moving sprinkler irrigation systems for conservation of water. 1973
Institutional arrangements for effective water management in Colorado 1978
Institutional requirements for optimal water quality management in arid urban areas, 1973
Institutions for urban-metropolitan water management : essays in social theory / 1972
Mathematical modeling of water management strategies in urbanizing river basins / 1973
The physical and economic effects on the local agricultural economy of water transfer from irrigation companies to cities in the northern Denver metropolitan area / 1976

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