Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
AHERA support : response to comments : asbestos substitutes : draft report for Task 2-2 Subtask 1/ 1988
Analysis of Chlorambin as a PMN analogue : risk table for Task 1-30 / 1986
Analysis of comments on the health effects of asbestos : draft report for Task 2-25/ 1987
Analysis of penazopyridine as a PMN analogue : final report for task 2-20 / 1987
Asbestos in buildings : simplified sampling scheme for friable surfacing materials. 1985
Biotechnology monitoring guidelines : for Task 1-36 : biotechnology DQO's : final report / 1988
Biotechnology workshop discussion cues : final report : prepared for Task 1-35 : QA/QC specifications for biotechnology / 1988
Biotechnology workshop discussion topics : final report : prepared for Task 1-35 : QA/QC specifications for biotechnology / 1988
Briefing papers for task 1-17 : biomarkers and peer review panel / 1986
Broad scan analysis study summary report : draft final report : Task 2-45 / 1987
Check data : final report for Task 2-5 / 1986
Critique of Velsicol epidemiologic study : draft report for Task 3-5, subtask 2 / 1987
Data verification and extreme data values for the broad scan study : task report / 1988
Draft chapter of proposed manuscript for Task 3-3 : comparison of animal-based estimates of lifetime risk and observed human risks / 1987
Draft final report for task 1-28 : risk characterizations for selected PMN analogues / 1986
Draft final report for Task 2-13 : phthalates and peroxisomes / 1987
Draft outline for EPA guidelines for monitoring microorganisms released to the Environment : prepared for Task 1-36 biotechnology DQO's : final report / 1988
Draft report for task 1-4, subtask 2 : Human cancer risks and human exposure estimates for two PMN chemicals based on an alalogue, 2,4,6-trichlorophenol / 1986
Final report for task 1-10, subtask 2 : quantitative risk assessment for diglycidyl resorcinol ether / 1986
Final report for task 1-11, subtask 2 : human cancer risks for a PMN chemical based on an analogue, Ethylene Thiourea (ETU) / 1986
Final report for task 1-11, subtask 4 : human cancer risks for a PMN chemical based on an analogue, Trimethylphosphate (TMP) / 1986
Final report for task 1-17 : biomarkers and peer review panel / 1986
Final report for task 1-29 : human cancer risks for a PMN chemical based on an analogue, Allyl Isovalerate / 1986
Final report for task 1-30 : human cancer risks for a PMN chemical based on an analogue, Chloramben / 1986
Final report for task 1-33 : verification of the accuracy of several formaldehyde risk assessments and simulaitons / 1986
Final report for task 1-9, subtask 1 : quantitative risk assessment for 1,4-dichlorobenzene / 1986
Final report for task 1-9, subtask 2 : quantitative risk assessment for dimethylvinyl chloride / 1986
Final report for task 2-12 : risk calculations for acrylamide / 1986
Final report for Task 2-13 : phthalates and peroxisomes / 1987
Final report for Task 2-19 : estimation of carcinogenic risk for di-isocyanates / 1987
Final report for Task 2-21 : carcinogenic rates from ethylene oxice {sic}{oxide} as a PMN analogue / 1987
Final report for Task 2-22 : graphics for formaldehyde risk assessment / 1987
Final report for Task 2-7 : assays limited for acrylates categorization / 1987
Final report for task 2-9 : FOIA data preparation / 1986
FOIA data preparation : final report for Task 2-9 / 1987
Human cancer risks for a (PMN) chemical based on an analogue, 3-chloro-p-toluidine : revised final report for Task 1-31 / 1986
Human cancer risks for a premanufacture notification (PMN) chemical based on an analogue, 1,2-epoxybutane : prepared for task 2-24, Rapid-turnaround risk assessment support : draft final report / 1988
Human cancer risks for a premanufacture notification (PMN) chemical based on an analogue, 2-chloro-1,1,1-trifluoroethane (FC133a) for Task 2-24 : rapid-turnaround risk assessment support : draft final report / 1988
Human cancer risks for a premanufacture notification (PMN) chemical based on an analogue, benzyl acetate : : rapid-turnaround risk assessment support : draft final report : prepared for Task 2-24 / 1988
Human cancer risks for a premanufacture notification (PMN) chemical based on an analogue, o-anisidine hydrochloride : final report for Task 1-9, subtask 4 / 1986
Observational studies : support for review, analysis and interpretation; critique of NIOSH study on heart disease mortality among bridge and tunnel workers : draft final report for Task 2-17-3 / 1987
Outline report for Task 3-3 : comparison of animal-based estimates of lifetime risk and observed human risks / 1987
Overview papers for task 1-17 biomarkers and peer review panel / 1986
Peer review and biomarkers Panel meeting summary of Peer Review comments on the work plan entitled "TCDD monoclonal antibody development." 1986
Population estimates from fiscal year 1982 specimens : National Human Adipose Tissue Survey Broad Scan analysis : Task 1-9 / 1987
Rapid turnaround PMN support : Risk table for 6-Nitrobenzimidazole : a PMN analogue for Task 3-13 / 1988
Recreational vehicle or mobile home (RV or not RV) : final report for Task 2-10 / 1986
Review of the carcinogenicity bioassays for o-anisidine hydrochloride using individual animal pathology data for Task 2-18 : draft final report / 1987
Revised final report for task 1-33 : verification of the accuracy of several formaldehyde risk assessments and simulations / 1986
Revision of ADOLL1-84 documentation : final report for Task 3-22 / 1988
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