Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 28
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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Water Underground Pollution Mathematical models)

Select Item Title Year Published
3DFEMWATER/3DLEWASTE : numerical codes for delineating wellhead protection areas in agricultural regions based on the assimilative capacity criterion / 1992
A finite element model to predict the flow of underground contaminants due to leakage of chemical and/or radio active material from a buried containment / 1983
Analysis of dispersion by the random walk method 1990
Computer simulation models relevant to ground water contamination from EOR or other fluids-state-of-the-art topical report / 1986
Evaluation and modeling of volatile organic vapor transport in the unsaturated zone for groundwater quality protection 1989
Fundamentals of ground-water modeling / 1992
Geohydrochemical models for solute migration 1984
Groundwater contamination from refinery operations : final report / 1988
Groundwater transport : handbook of mathematical models / 1984
Groundwater-leachate modeling, monitoring, sampling / 1984
Mass-balance nitrate model for predicting the effects of land use on ground-water quality 1990
Modeling chemical transport in soils : natural and applied contaminants / 1992
Modeling groundwater flow and pollution : with computer programs for sample cases / 1987
Modeling groundwater flow and pollution with computer programs for sample cases / 1990
Modeling remedial actions at uncontrolled hazardous waste sites 1986
Modeling the transport of heavy metals in soils 1990
Multiphase flow and transport models for organic chemicals : a review and assessment / 1988
MYGRT : an IBM personal computer code for simulating solute migration in groundwater : user's manual / 1986
OASIS : parameter estimation system for aquifer restoration models : user's manual version 2.0 / 1990
Princeton University workshop on subsurface transport of energy-related organic chemicals a summary of a workshop held at Dunwalke, Bedminster, New Jersey, May 21-23, 1984 / 1984
Proceedings of the Conference on Geostatistical, Sensitivity, and Uncertainty Methods for Ground-Water Flow and Radionuclide Transport Modeling : San Francisco, California, September 15-17, 1987 / 1989
Qualitative validation of pollutant transport components of an unsaturated soil zone model (SESOIL) 1989
Quality assurance in computer simulations of groundwater contamination / 1987
Sorption equilibria of vapor phase organic pollutants on unsaturated soils and soil minerals / 1990
Testing, verification, and validation of two-dimensional solute transport models 1987
The use of models in managing ground-water protection programs / 1987
Two-dimensional modeling of contaminant plumes in advection-dominated groundwater transport / 1987
Use of fixed-bed adsorber models to predict the fluxes of toxic substances in groundwaters and soil environments project completion report / 1984

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