Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 26
Showing: Items 1 - 26
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Water resources development Mathematical models)

Select Item Title Year Published
A dynamic water and related land resource planning model, its application to an Hawaiian water system : project completion report for optimal use of water resources in Hawaiian small reservoir systems / 1974
Advances in water resources. 1977
Bayesian approach to hydrologic time series modeling 1974
Great Lakes environmental planning using limnological systems analysis / 1977
Hydrologic- and salt-balance investigations utilizing digital models : lower San Luis Rey area, San Diego County, California / 1974
Methods and applications of digital-model simulation of the Red River alluvial aquifer, Shreveport to the mouth of the Black River, Louisiana 1980
Model development and systems analysis of the Yakima River Basin. 1974
Models for environmental pollution control. 1973
Multiobjective optimization in water resources systems : the surrogate worth trade-off method 1975
Optimal expansion of a water resources system 1974
Optimizing conjunctive use of groundwater and surface water 1970
Report on investigations concerning the relevance of technological change in long-term water resource planning 1976
System analysis for Great Lakes water resources : proceedings of the Fourth Symposium on Water Resources Research of the Ohio State University Water Resources Center, October 1969. 1969
Systems analysis and water quality management 1972
Teaching water resource management with the aid of a computer-implemented simulator 1975
The river basin model : computer output / 1971
The river basin model : municipal services department / 1971
The river basin model : school department / 1972
The river basin model: assessment department / 1971
The river basin model: director's guide / 1972
The river basin model: highway department / 1971
The river basin model: planning and zoning department / 1971
The river basin model: the social science laboratory / 1971
The river basin model: the transportation sector / 1971
The river basin model: utility department / 1971
Water resource systems planning and analysis 1981

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